Executive Summary

General Information

This report describes responses to questions from the “2023 Hunter Satisfaction” survey. The “2023 Hunter Satisfaction” survey was a tool to analyze Nebraska hunters’ perspectives on the attributes that are important to their hunting season, how hunters feel these attributes performed when afield, and how importance and performance of attributes affect their overall satisfaction. We provide information regarding the design and implementation of the survey as well as summarized responses to questions relating to demographics, participation in various hunting activities, questions pertaining to importance and performance of hunt-specific attributes, and overall satisfaction with hunting experiences. We also include statistical tests to assess differences in the between residents and non-residents, hunters who reside in a rural or urban area, and hunters who grew up in a rural or urban area. General summaries of responses, Importance grid analyses (IGA) and Penalty-Reward-Contrast analyses (PRCA) are depicted for hunters who engaged in the following hunting activities: deer, waterfowl, upland game, Spring turkey, and Fall turkey.

Nebraska Hunter Satisfaction Project Objectives

  1. Gather information about current Nebraska hunters and better understand hunting behavior
  2. Measure the importance and performance of hunt-specific attributes and satisfaction with hunting experiences
  3. Assess longitudinal changes in importance of hunt-specific attributes

Mode Selection

The stakeholders involved had several meetings to design the survey instrument that would properly meet the objectives. A web survey was used to determine the views of Nebraska hunters. Using this vehicle to collect information allows researchers to generalize results to a larger population. Email invitations were sent to a sample of hunters who purchased a hunting license, turkey permit, deer permit, Nebraska waterfowl stamp, or any combination in the 2022-2023 hunting year. Invitations were distributed on August 7, 2023. Reminder emails were sent to non-respondents on August 9, 13, 15, 20, and 31, 2022. The survey closed on August 22, 2023.

Design and Item Selection

The design and fielding of the survey was accomplished by the Human Dimensions Lab in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln School of Natural Resources and the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. A separate questionnaire was distributed for each type of hunting activity. Each questionnaire consisted of items pertaining to attributes affiliated with the respective type of hunting activity. For the small game questionnaire, hunters were specifically asked whether they participated in upland-game hunting (pheasant, quail, and grouse). Questionnaires included attributes that addressed the importance and actualization of experiences related to the respective type of hunting activity. All hunting activities included the following attributes: seeing the respective game type, opportunities to shoot the respective game type, harvesting the respective game type, hunting in favorable weather conditions, not seeing other hunters, no interference from other hunters, access to private land, access to public land, and hunting with other people.

Additional activity-specific attributes were included for each type of hunting experience based on existing literature on deer (Hautaluoma and Brown 1978, Hammitt et al. 1990, Gigliotti 2000, Manfredo et al. 2004, Kerr 2017, Pang 2017), waterfowl (Vaske et al. 1986, Brunke and Hunt 2007), upland-game (Hayslette et al. 2001, Frey et al. 2003), and turkey (Hazel et al. 1990, Wynveen et al. 2005, Schroeder et al. 2018) hunters. Attribute importance was measured on a five-point scale of 1 (not at all important) to 5 (extremely important). Respondents were also asked to rate how well each experienced attribute met expectations, ranging from 1 (far below expectations) to 5 (far exceeded expectations). Overall satisfaction with their hunting experience was also measured on a 5-point scale of 1 (very dissatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied).


Assessing effects of importance and performance on satisfaction involves two types of analyses. Importance Grid Analysis compares explicit rating to implicit importance ratings derived by multiple regression of overall satisfaction on attribute performance ratings (Matzler and Sauerwein 2002, Matzler et al. 2003). Originally employed by Vavra (1997), IGA was used to describe attributes as either excitement, performance, or basic typologies. However, the value of IGA for classifying attributes has since been discounted, and IGA is currently recognized for the ability to distinguish between explicit and implicit importance of attributes (Smith and Deppa 2009, Mikulić and Prebežac 2011). Explicit importance reflects a rational assessment of how one expects an attribute to affect satisfaction, while implicit importance reflects the experiential-based impact of an attribute on satisfaction. IGA delineates differences between hunters’ “expectations of an attributes’ relevancy to a desired end” (i.e., explicit importance) compared to “experiential information gained from one’s real-time encounter” (i.e., implicit importance) (Smith and Deppa 2009, Schroeder et al. 2018).

Explicit importance is calculated by taking the mean rating of each attribute importance as measured from the questionnaire. Implicit importance is derived from multiple linear regression coefficients (performance values of each attribute as the independent variables and overall satisfaction as the dependent variable). Explicit means and implicit coefficients are then plotted, and attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction.

Penalty-Reward-Contrast Analysis is described as the three-factor theory in that it identifies the following three factors to customer satisfaction: basic factors, performance factors, and excitement factors (Deng 2007, Deng et al. 2008, Kim et al. 2014). Basic factors will induce dissatisfaction if expectations with a given attribute are not met, but will not increase satisfaction if expectations are met or exceeded. Basic factors can be viewed as the minimum requirements for a product or experience. Performance factors will increase satisfaction if expectations are fulfilled or exceeded and dissatisfaction if expectations are not fulfilled. Excitement factors will increase satisfaction if delivered but do not cause dissatisfaction if they are missing. For example, the three-factory theory can be applied in the airline service industry. Safety can be viewed as a basic factor insofar as passengers expect to be safe during the flight. If safety expectations are met, then safety attributes will not induce customer dissatisfaction; nor will customers become more satisfied with their experience based on safety attributes alone. However, if passengers feel unsafe, lack of safety will induce dissatisfaction. Expediency in retrieving baggage after the flight might be viewed as a performance factor. If passengers must wait longer than expected to retrieve their baggage, they will become dissatisfied, but if they can claim their baggage more quickly than expected, passengers will be more satisfied with their experience. Quality or price of snacks and beverages during the flight may be viewed as an excitement factor. If the quality of snacks is excellent, passengers will be more satisfied, but lack of quality will not induce dissatisfaction.

Conducting the PRCA incorporates a 3-step process, which examines influence on overall satisfaction at high and low-performance levels. In step 1, a simple linear regression is performed, and significant factors (performance ratings; 1 to 5) are recoded into Penalty and Reward dummy variables. If a respondent answered that, the performance of an attribute was a “1,” their Penalty value would be a “1” and their Reward value would be a “0.” A rating of a “5” for a performance attribute would result in a Penalty value of “0” and a Reward value of “1.” A performance of rating of “2,” “3,” or “4” would result in a “0” for both Penalty and Reward values. Step 2 consists of a multiple regression with the dummy variables used, independent variables and overall satisfaction with the hunting experience as the dependent variable. The third step is classification of attributes (basic, performance, excitement, or unimportant). An attribute is considered basic if the Penalty variable is significant and the reward variable is not significant, performance if both Penalty and Reward variables are significant, and excitement if the only the Reward variable is significant. Attribute is considered unimportant if neither Penalty nor Reward variables are significant.

Survey population

Questionnaires were sent to 2,500 deer hunters, 3,500 waterfowl hunters, 2,500 upland-game hunters, 2,500 Spring turkey hunters, and 2,348 Fall turkey hunters. A total of approximately 13500 questionnaires were distributed. Adjusted response rates for the individual survey questionnaires was 24%, 15%, 14%, 30%, and 21%, respectively. The overall adjusted response rate to the survey project was 20%.

Deer Hunter Survey Responses Per Day

There were 2500 invited to participate in the deer hunter survey; 0 were invalid email addresses, and 593 completed the survey (a response rate of 23.7%). Time to take the survey ranged from 0 to 423.3 mins, with a mean of 11.2 mins.

The average age of the deer hunter population was 43.5 and the average age of the sample was 45.8 (t = -7.11, df = 2650.99, p = 0). In the deer hunter population; 9% of hunters were female, and 9% of the hunters in the sample were female (\(\chi^2\) = 0.17, df = 1, p = 0.68). The mean age of hunters who responded to the survey was 49.67 (SD = 15.13) and mean age of hunters who did not respond to the survey was 44.6 (SD = 16.05). The proportion of female hunters in the group who responded to the survey was 7.59% and the proportion of female hunters in the non-respondent group was 10.05%

Relative non-response bias is the proportion of the population characteristic of interest that the bias represents (Callegaro et al. 2015). Relative non-response bias is calculated as the difference in mean of the value of interest from respondents and from non-respondents. The difference is multiplied by the proportion of non-respondents relative to respondents and then the value of interest is divided by the mean of the entire sample population. The relative non-response bias for age was 8.45% and the relative non-response bias for gender was 19.81%.

Percentage of responses per day for the deer hunter survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses submitted on each date.

Percentage of responses per day for the deer hunter survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses submitted on each date.

Waterfowl Hunter Survey Responses Per Day

There were 3500 invited to participate in the waterfowl survey; 2 were invalid email addresses and 512 completed the survey (a response rate of 14.6%). Time to take the survey ranged from 0 to 275.6 mins, with a mean of 9.2 mins.

The average age of the waterfowl hunter population was 43.47 and the average age of the sample was 43.75 (t = -1.03, df = 4751.09, p = 0.3). In the waterfowl hunter population 4% of hunters were female, and 5% of the hunters in the sample were female (\(\chi^2\) = 1.17, df = 1, p = 0.28). The mean age of hunters who responded to the survey was 46.28 (SD = 15.15) and mean age of hunters who did not respond to the survey was 43.32 (SD = 14.82). The proportion of female hunters in the group that responded to the survey was 2.54% and the proportion of female hunters in the non-respondent group was 5.02%

Relative non-response bias is the proportion of the population characteristic of interest that the bias represents (Callegaro et al. 2015). Relative non-response bias is calculated as the difference in mean of the value of interest from respondents and from non-respondents. The difference is multiplied by the proportion of non-respondents relative to respondents and then the value of interest is divided by the mean of the entire sample population. The relative non-response bias for age was 5.78% and the relative non-response bias for gender was 45.51%.

Percentage of responses per day for the waterfowl hunter survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses submitted on each date.

Percentage of responses per day for the waterfowl hunter survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses submitted on each date.

Upland Game Hunter Survey Responses Per Day

There were 2500 invited to participate in the upland game survey 1 were invalid email addresses, and 342 completed the survey (a response rate of 13.7%). Time to take the survey ranged from 0 to 1350.2 mins, with a mean of 12.3 mins.

The average age of the upland game hunter population was 54.97 and the average age of the sample was 53.58 (t = 3.69, df = 2701.99, p = 0). In the upland game hunter population 11% of hunters were female and 9% of the hunters in the sample were female (\(\chi^2\) = 8.35, df = 1, p = 0). The mean age of hunters who responded to the survey was 54.74 (SD = 16.38) and mean age of hunters who did not respond to the survey was 53.41 (SD = 18.77). The proportion of female hunters in the group who responded to the survey was 3.8%, and the proportion of female hunters in the non-respondent group was 9.47%

Relative non-response bias is the proportion of the population characteristic of interest that the bias represents (Callegaro et al. 2015). Relative non-response bias is calculated as the difference in mean of the value of interest from respondents and from non-respondents. The difference is multiplied by the proportion of non-respondents relative to respondents and then the value of interest is divided by the mean of the entire sample population. The relative non-response bias for age was 2.15% and the relative non-response bias for gender was 56.28%.

Percentage of responses per day for the upland game hunter survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses submitted on each date.

Percentage of responses per day for the upland game hunter survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses submitted on each date.

Spring Turkey Hunter Survey Responses Per Day

There were 2500 invited to participate in the survey; 1 were invalid email addresses and 740 completed the survey (a response rate of 29.6%). Time to take the survey ranged from 0 to 251.7 mins, with a mean of 10.1 mins.

The average age of the spring turkey hunter population was 40.18 and the average age of the sample was 43.85 (t = -10.59, df = 3204.77, p = 0). In the spring turkey hunter population, 7% of hunters were female and 5% of the hunters in the sample were female (\(\chi^2\) = 8.36, df = 1, p = 0). The mean age of hunters who responded to the survey was 48.03 (SD = 16.32) and mean age of hunters who did not respond to the survey was 42.1 (SD = 15.94). The proportion of female hunters in the group who responded to the survey was 4.32%, and the proportion of female hunters in the non-respondent group was 5.57%

Relative non-response bias is the proportion of the population characteristic of interest that the bias represents (Callegaro et al. 2015). Relative non-response bias is calculated as the difference in mean of the value of interest from respondents and from non-respondents. The difference is multiplied by the proportion of non-respondents relative to respondents and then the value of interest is divided by the mean of the entire sample population. The relative non-response bias for age was 9.52% and the relative non-response bias for gender was 16.84%.

Percentage of responses per day for the spring turkey hunter survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses submitted on each date.

Percentage of responses per day for the spring turkey hunter survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses submitted on each date.

Fall Turkey Hunter Survey Responses Per Day

There were 2348 invited to participate in the fall turkey survey; 0 were invalid email addresses, and 488 completed the survey (a response rate of 20.8%). Time to take the survey ranged from 0 to 538.1 mins, with a mean of 10.2 mins.

The average age of the fall turkey hunter population was 44.25 and the average age of the sample was 49.67 (t = -10.93, df = 5648.23, p = 0). In the fall turkey hunter population, 6% of hunters were female and 5% of the hunters in the sample were female (\(\chi^2\) = 6.62, df = 1, p = 0.01). The mean age of hunters who responded to the survey was 55.03 (SD = 15.9) and mean age of hunters who did not respond to the survey was 48.33 (SD = 16.96). The proportion of female hunters in the group who responded to the survey was 3.89%, and the proportion of female hunters in the non-respondent group was 4.75%

Relative non-response bias is the proportion of the population characteristic of interest that the bias represents (Callegaro et al. 2015). Relative non-response bias is calculated as the difference in mean of the value of interest from respondents and from non-respondents. The difference is multiplied by the proportion of non-respondents relative to respondents and then the value of interest is divided by the mean of the entire sample population. The relative non-response bias for age was 10.67% and the relative non-response bias for gender was 14.85%.

Percentage of responses per day for the spring fall hunter survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses submitted on each date.

Percentage of responses per day for the spring fall hunter survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses submitted on each date.

Survey Section 1: Self-Identity

Hunting Importance

How important is XXXX hunting to you compared to other types of hunting?
Percentage of hunting type importance responses for each satisfaction survey. Bars represent the stated importance of hunting the game type of the respective survey respondents (i.e. How important deer hunting is to the deer hunter sample). Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of hunting type importance responses for each satisfaction survey. Bars represent the stated importance of hunting the game type of the respective survey respondents (i.e. How important deer hunting is to the deer hunter sample). Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Deer Hunting Importance

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Deer hunting is my most important hunting activity 72 50.3 206 51.5 278 51.2

Deer hunting is one of several important hunting activities to me 65 45.5 186 46.5 251 46.2

Deer hunting is less important to me than some of my other hunting activities 6 4.2 7 1.8 13 2.4

Deer hunting is one of my least important hunting activities 0 0.0 1 0.2 1 0.2

Total 143 100.0 400 100.0 543 100.0

Waterfowl Hunting Importance

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Waterfowl hunting is my most important hunting activity 1 33.3 126 27.7 127 27.7

Waterfowl hunting is one of several important hunting activities to me 1 33.3 249 54.7 250 54.6

Waterfowl hunting is less important to me than some of my other hunting activities 0 0.0 60 13.2 60 13.1

Waterfowl hunting is one of my least important hunting activities 1 33.3 20 4.4 21 4.6

Total 3 100.0 455 100.0 458 100.0

Upland Game Hunting Importance

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Upland Game hunting is my most important hunting activity 30 34.9 54 23.6 84 26.7

Upland Game hunting is one of several important hunting activities to me 44 51.2 126 55.0 170 54.0

Upland Game hunting is less important to me than some of my other hunting activities 9 10.5 34 14.8 43 13.7

Upland Game hunting is one of my least important hunting activities 3 3.5 14 6.1 17 5.4

No Response 0 0.0 1 0.4 1 0.3

Total 86 100.0 229 100.0 315 100.0

Spring Turkey Hunting Importance

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Turkey hunting is my most important hunting activity 101 31.1 37 10.3 138 20.1

Turkey hunting is one of several important hunting activities to me 214 65.8 282 78.3 496 72.4

Turkey hunting is less important to me than some of my other hunting activities 8 2.5 39 10.8 47 6.9

Turkey hunting is one of my least important hunting activities 2 0.6 2 0.6 4 0.6

Total 325 100.0 360 100.0 685 100.0

Fall Turkey Hunting Importance

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Turkey hunting is my most important hunting activity 20 29.4 36 9.3 56 12.3

Turkey hunting is one of several important hunting activities to me 39 57.4 258 66.7 297 65.3

Turkey hunting is less important to me than some of my other hunting activities 9 13.2 77 19.9 86 18.9

Turkey hunting is one of my least important hunting activities 0 0.0 16 4.1 16 3.5

Total 68 100.0 387 100.0 455 100.0

When Hunting

Which type of hunter best describes you?

Percentage of hunt frequency responses for each satisfaction survey. Bars represent when survey respondents hunted their respective game type (i.e. When deer hunters hunted for deer). Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of hunt frequency responses for each satisfaction survey. Bars represent when survey respondents hunted their respective game type (i.e. When deer hunters hunted for deer). Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

When Deer Hunters are Hunting

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Hunt opening weekend only 8 5.6 13 3.2 21 3.9

Hunt opening weekend & the first couple of weekends thereafter (no more than 5 days hunting total in the season) 19 13.3 69 17.2 88 16.2

Hunt occasionally throughout the season 27 18.9 91 22.8 118 21.7

Hunt as many days as I can throughout the entire season 89 62.2 226 56.5 315 58.0

No Response 0 0.0 1 0.2 1 0.2

Total 143 100.0 400 100.0 543 100.0

When Waterfowl Hunters are Hunting

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Hunt opening weekend only 0 0.0 7 1.5 7 1.5

Hunt opening weekend & the first couple of weekends thereafter (no more than 5 days hunting total in the season) 0 0.0 19 4.2 19 4.1

Hunt occasionally throughout the season 2 66.7 195 42.9 197 43.0

Hunt as many days as I can throughout the entire season 1 33.3 234 51.4 235 51.3

Total 3 100.0 455 100.0 458 100.0

When Upland Game Hunters are Hunting

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Hunt opening weekend only 3 3.5 6 2.6 9 2.9

Hunt opening weekend & the first couple of weekends thereafter (no more than 5 days hunting total in the season) 8 9.3 18 7.9 26 8.3

Hunt occasionally throughout the season 42 48.8 125 54.6 167 53.0

Hunt as many days as I can throughout the entire season 32 37.2 75 32.8 107 34.0

No Response 1 1.2 5 2.2 6 1.9

Total 86 100.0 229 100.0 315 100.0

When Spring Turkey Hunters are Hunting

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Hunt opening weekend only 5 1.5 0 0.0 5 0.7

Hunt opening weekend & the first couple of weekends thereafter (no more than 5 days hunting total in the season) 26 8.0 30 8.3 56 8.2

Hunt occasionally throughout the season 57 17.5 170 47.2 227 33.1

Hunt as many days as I can throughout the entire season 236 72.6 158 43.9 394 57.5

No Response 1 0.3 2 0.6 3 0.4

Total 325 100.0 360 100.0 685 100.0

When Fall Turkey Hunters are Hunting

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Hunt opening weekend only 1 1.5 3 0.8 4 0.9

Hunt opening weekend & the first couple of weekends thereafter (no more than 5 days hunting total in the season) 10 14.7 15 3.9 25 5.5

Hunt occasionally throughout the season 26 38.2 223 57.6 249 54.7

Hunt as many days as I can throughout the entire season 31 45.6 146 37.7 177 38.9

Total 68 100.0 387 100.0 455 100.0

Where Hunting

Which best describes how you hunt?

Percentage of hunting location responses for each satisfaction survey. Bars represent where survey respondents hunted their respective game type (i.e. Where deer hunters hunted for deer). Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of hunting location responses for each satisfaction survey. Bars represent where survey respondents hunted their respective game type (i.e. Where deer hunters hunted for deer). Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Where Deer Hunters Hunt

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
I hunt the same areas every year, and rarely hunt new areas 50 35.0 234 58.5 284 52.3

I tend to hunt the same areas each year, but often make trips to new areas to hunt 52 36.4 126 31.5 178 32.8

I hunt familiar areas and new areas with equal frequency 26 18.2 24 6.0 50 9.2

I don’t have favorite hunting areas, but hunt wherever the opportunity arises 15 10.5 15 3.8 30 5.5

No Response 0 0.0 1 0.2 1 0.2

Total 143 100.0 400 100.0 543 100.0

Where Waterfowl Hunters Hunt

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
I hunt the same areas every year, and rarely hunt new areas 0 0.0 146 32.1 146 31.9

I tend to hunt the same areas each year, but often make trips to new areas to hunt 1 33.3 185 40.7 186 40.6

I hunt familiar areas and new areas with equal frequency 1 33.3 62 13.6 63 13.8

I don’t have favorite hunting areas, but hunt wherever the opportunity arises 1 33.3 60 13.2 61 13.3

No Response 0 0.0 2 0.4 2 0.4

Total 3 100.0 455 100.0 458 100.0

Where Upland Game Hunters Hunt

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
I hunt the same areas every year, and rarely hunt new areas 19 22.1 88 38.4 107 34.0

I tend to hunt the same areas each year, but often make trips to new areas to hunt 37 43.0 84 36.7 121 38.4

I hunt familiar areas and new areas with equal frequency 22 25.6 23 10.0 45 14.3

I don’t have favorite hunting areas, but hunt wherever the opportunity arises 8 9.3 31 13.5 39 12.4

No Response 0 0.0 3 1.3 3 1.0

Total 86 100.0 229 100.0 315 100.0

Where Spring Turkey Hunters Hunt

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
I hunt the same areas every year, and rarely hunt new areas 47 14.5 139 38.6 186 27.2

I tend to hunt the same areas each year, but often make trips to new areas to hunt 162 49.8 141 39.2 303 44.2

I hunt familiar areas and new areas with equal frequency 77 23.7 45 12.5 122 17.8

I don’t have favorite hunting areas, but hunt wherever the opportunity arises 39 12.0 30 8.3 69 10.1

No Response 0 0.0 5 1.4 5 0.7

Total 325 100.0 360 100.0 685 100.0

Where Fall Turkey Hunters Hunt

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
I hunt the same areas every year, and rarely hunt new areas 19 27.9 172 44.4 191 42.0

I tend to hunt the same areas each year, but often make trips to new areas to hunt 31 45.6 138 35.7 169 37.1

I hunt familiar areas and new areas with equal frequency 11 16.2 43 11.1 54 11.9

I don’t have favorite hunting areas, but hunt wherever the opportunity arises 7 10.3 34 8.8 41 9.0

Total 68 100.0 387 100.0 455 100.0

Survey Section 2: Frequency of Hunting Type

Frequency of Participation

How often do you participate in each of the following hunting activities within the state of Nebraska?

Deer (e.g. White-tailed, Mule)

Percentage of deer participation status responses for each satisfaction survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of deer participation status responses for each satisfaction survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Deer Participation by Deer Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Participate every year 127 88.8 385 96.2 512 94.3

Participate but not every year 13 9.1 8 2.0 21 3.9

No longer participate 1 0.7 1 0.2 2 0.4

Never 2 1.4 1 0.2 3 0.6

No Response 0 0.0 5 1.2 5 0.9

Total 143 100.0 400 100.0 543 100.0

Deer Participation by Waterfowl Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Participate every year 0 0.0 288 63.3 288 62.9

Participate but not every year 1 33.3 61 13.4 62 13.5

No longer participate 0 0.0 38 8.4 38 8.3

Never 1 33.3 62 13.6 63 13.8

No Response 1 33.3 6 1.3 7 1.5

Total 3 100.0 455 100.0 458 100.0

Deer Participation by Upland Game Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Participate every year 15 17.4 146 63.8 161 51.1

Participate but not every year 11 12.8 28 12.2 39 12.4

No longer participate 4 4.7 23 10.0 27 8.6

Never 51 59.3 26 11.4 77 24.4

No Response 5 5.8 6 2.6 11 3.5

Total 86 100.0 229 100.0 315 100.0

Deer Participation by Spring Turkey Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Participate every year 95 29.2 292 81.1 387 56.5

Participate but not every year 25 7.7 26 7.2 51 7.4

No longer participate 11 3.4 10 2.8 21 3.1

Never 177 54.5 28 7.8 205 29.9

No Response 17 5.2 4 1.1 21 3.1

Total 325 100.0 360 100.0 685 100.0

Deer Participation by Fall Turkey Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Participate every year 31 45.6 312 80.6 343 75.4

Participate but not every year 5 7.4 25 6.5 30 6.6

No longer participate 2 2.9 14 3.6 16 3.5

Never 29 42.6 29 7.5 58 12.7

No Response 1 1.5 7 1.8 8 1.8

Total 68 100.0 387 100.0 455 100.0

Waterfowl (e.g. Duck, Geese)

Percentage of waterfowl participation status responses for each satisfaction survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of waterfowl participation status responses for each satisfaction survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Waterfowl Participation by Deer Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Participate every year 18 12.6 109 27.3 127 23.4

Participate but not every year 14 9.8 61 15.2 75 13.8

No longer participate 15 10.5 64 16.0 79 14.5

Never 88 61.5 154 38.5 242 44.6

No Response 8 5.6 12 3.0 20 3.7

Total 143 100.0 400 100.0 543 100.0

Waterfowl Participation by Waterfowl Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Participate every year 2 66.7 398 87.5 400 87.3

Participate but not every year 0 0.0 43 9.5 43 9.4

No longer participate 0 0.0 4 0.9 4 0.9

Never 1 33.3 10 2.2 11 2.4

Total 3 100.0 455 100.0 458 100.0

Waterfowl Participation by Upland Game Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Participate every year 29 33.7 89 38.9 118 37.5

Participate but not every year 16 18.6 37 16.2 53 16.8

No longer participate 4 4.7 36 15.7 40 12.7

Never 32 37.2 55 24.0 87 27.6

No Response 5 5.8 12 5.2 17 5.4

Total 86 100.0 229 100.0 315 100.0

Waterfowl Participation by Spring Turkey Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Participate every year 48 14.8 161 44.7 209 30.5

Participate but not every year 30 9.2 56 15.6 86 12.6

No longer participate 17 5.2 51 14.2 68 9.9

Never 211 64.9 87 24.2 298 43.5

No Response 19 5.8 5 1.4 24 3.5

Total 325 100.0 360 100.0 685 100.0

Waterfowl Participation by Fall Turkey Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Participate every year 15 22.1 177 45.7 192 42.2

Participate but not every year 7 10.3 54 14.0 61 13.4

No longer participate 8 11.8 41 10.6 49 10.8

Never 36 52.9 105 27.1 141 31.0

No Response 2 2.9 10 2.6 12 2.6

Total 68 100.0 387 100.0 455 100.0

Upland Game (e.g. Pheasant, Quail, Grouse, Dove)

Percentage of upland-game participation status responses for each satisfaction survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of upland-game participation status responses for each satisfaction survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Upland Game Participation by Deer Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Participate every year 24 16.8 181 45.2 205 37.8

Participate but not every year 19 13.3 80 20.0 99 18.2

No longer participate 18 12.6 66 16.5 84 15.5

Never 73 51.0 64 16.0 137 25.2

No Response 9 6.3 9 2.2 18 3.3

Total 143 100.0 400 100.0 543 100.0

Upland Game Participation by Waterfowl Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Participate every year 1 33.3 337 74.1 338 73.8

Participate but not every year 0 0.0 72 15.8 72 15.7

No longer participate 0 0.0 23 5.1 23 5.0

Never 2 66.7 21 4.6 23 5.0

No Response 0 0.0 2 0.4 2 0.4

Total 3 100.0 455 100.0 458 100.0

Upland Game Participation by Upland Game Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Participate every year 64 74.4 176 76.9 240 76.2

Participate but not every year 10 11.6 28 12.2 38 12.1

No longer participate 1 1.2 11 4.8 12 3.8

Never 11 12.8 10 4.4 21 6.7

No Response 0 0.0 4 1.7 4 1.3

Total 86 100.0 229 100.0 315 100.0

Upland Game Participation by Spring Turkey Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Participate every year 63 19.4 222 61.7 285 41.6

Participate but not every year 34 10.5 67 18.6 101 14.7

No longer participate 13 4.0 38 10.6 51 7.4

Never 197 60.6 32 8.9 229 33.4

No Response 18 5.5 1 0.3 19 2.8

Total 325 100.0 360 100.0 685 100.0

Upland Game Participation by Fall Turkey Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Participate every year 24 35.3 255 65.9 279 61.3

Participate but not every year 6 8.8 53 13.7 59 13.0

No longer participate 8 11.8 33 8.5 41 9.0

Never 29 42.6 41 10.6 70 15.4

No Response 1 1.5 5 1.3 6 1.3

Total 68 100.0 387 100.0 455 100.0


Percentage of turkey participation status responses for each satisfaction survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of turkey participation status responses for each satisfaction survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Turkey Participation by Deer Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Participate every year 32 22.4 113 28.2 145 26.7

Participate but not every year 11 7.7 90 22.5 101 18.6

No longer participate 12 8.4 76 19.0 88 16.2

Never 81 56.6 107 26.8 188 34.6

No Response 7 4.9 14 3.5 21 3.9

Total 143 100.0 400 100.0 543 100.0

Turkey Participation by Waterfowl Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Participate every year 0 0.0 180 39.6 180 39.3

Participate but not every year 1 33.3 106 23.3 107 23.4

No longer participate 0 0.0 70 15.4 70 15.3

Never 2 66.7 86 18.9 88 19.2

No Response 0 0.0 13 2.9 13 2.8

Total 3 100.0 455 100.0 458 100.0

Turkey Participation by Upland Game Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Participate every year 11 12.8 65 28.4 76 24.1

Participate but not every year 17 19.8 56 24.5 73 23.2

No longer participate 6 7.0 34 14.8 40 12.7

Never 45 52.3 62 27.1 107 34.0

No Response 7 8.1 12 5.2 19 6.0

Total 86 100.0 229 100.0 315 100.0

Turkey Participation by Spring Turkey Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Participate every year 261 80.3 339 94.2 600 87.6

Participate but not every year 53 16.3 17 4.7 70 10.2

No longer participate 5 1.5 1 0.3 6 0.9

Never 3 0.9 0 0.0 3 0.4

No Response 3 0.9 3 0.8 6 0.9

Total 325 100.0 360 100.0 685 100.0

Turkey Participation by Fall Turkey Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Participate every year 58 85.3 348 89.9 406 89.2

Participate but not every year 10 14.7 32 8.3 42 9.2

Never 0 0.0 2 0.5 2 0.4

No Response 0 0.0 5 1.3 5 1.1

Total 68 100.0 387 100.0 455 100.0

Small Game (e.g. Rabbit, Squirrel)

Percentage of small-game participation status responses from each satisfaction survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of small-game participation status responses from each satisfaction survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Small Game Participation by Deer Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Participate every year 13 9.1 87 21.8 100 18.4

Participate but not every year 10 7.0 89 22.2 99 18.2

No longer participate 15 10.5 62 15.5 77 14.2

Never 96 67.1 150 37.5 246 45.3

No Response 9 6.3 12 3.0 21 3.9

Total 143 100.0 400 100.0 543 100.0

Small Game Participation by Waterfowl Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Participate every year 0 0.0 109 24.0 109 23.8

Participate but not every year 1 33.3 102 22.4 103 22.5

No longer participate 0 0.0 53 11.6 53 11.6

Never 2 66.7 181 39.8 183 40.0

No Response 0 0.0 10 2.2 10 2.2

Total 3 100.0 455 100.0 458 100.0

Small Game Participation by Upland Game Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Participate every year 14 16.3 54 23.6 68 21.6

Participate but not every year 10 11.6 49 21.4 59 18.7

No longer participate 2 2.3 31 13.5 33 10.5

Never 54 62.8 84 36.7 138 43.8

No Response 6 7.0 11 4.8 17 5.4

Total 86 100.0 229 100.0 315 100.0

Small Game Participation by Spring Turkey Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Participate every year 27 8.3 97 26.9 124 18.1

Participate but not every year 35 10.8 84 23.3 119 17.4

No longer participate 15 4.6 52 14.4 67 9.8

Never 230 70.8 121 33.6 351 51.2

No Response 18 5.5 6 1.7 24 3.5

Total 325 100.0 360 100.0 685 100.0

Small Game Participation by Fall Turkey Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Participate every year 8 11.8 133 34.4 141 31.0

Participate but not every year 6 8.8 63 16.3 69 15.2

No longer participate 6 8.8 50 12.9 56 12.3

Never 45 66.2 132 34.1 177 38.9

No Response 3 4.4 9 2.3 12 2.6

Total 68 100.0 387 100.0 455 100.0

Years of Participation

For about how many years have you participated in XXXX hunting?

Percentage of RESIDENT  number of years hunting. Bars represent number of years hunting their respective game type (i.e. Number of years deer hunters have hunted for deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Percentage of RESIDENT number of years hunting. Bars represent number of years hunting their respective game type (i.e. Number of years deer hunters have hunted for deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of years hunting.  Bars represent number of years hunting their respective game type (i.e. Number of years deer hunters have hunted for deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of years hunting. Bars represent number of years hunting their respective game type (i.e. Number of years deer hunters have hunted for deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Number of Years Participating in Deer Hunting

For about how many years have you participated in Deer hunting?

Percentage of RESIDENT number of years hunting Deer. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of RESIDENT number of years hunting Deer. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of years hunting Deer. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of years hunting Deer. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Number of Years Participating in Waterfowl Hunting

For about how many years have you participated in Waterfowl hunting?

Percentage of RESIDENT number of years hunting Waterfowl. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of RESIDENT number of years hunting Waterfowl. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of years hunting Waterfowl. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of years hunting Waterfowl. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Number of Years Participating in Upland Game Hunting

For about how many years have you participated in Upland Game hunting?

Percentage of RESIDENT number of years hunting Upland Game. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT number of years hunting Upland Game. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of years hunting Upland Game. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of years hunting Upland Game. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Number of Years Participating in Spring Turkey Hunting

For about how many years have you participated in Spring Turkey hunting?

Percentage of RESIDENT number of years hunting Spring Turkey. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of RESIDENT number of years hunting Spring Turkey. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of years hunting Spring Turkey. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of years hunting Spring Turkey. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Number of Years Participating in Fall Turkey Hunting

For about how many years have you participated in Spring Turkey hunting?

Percentage of RESIDENT number of years hunting Fall Turkey. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of RESIDENT number of years hunting Fall Turkey. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of years hunting Fall Turkey. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of years hunting Fall Turkey. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Survey Section 3: Importance, Performance, and Satisfaction

Participation in Previous Season

Did you hunt XXXX during the XXXX season?

Percentage of hunter participation in the previous season for each satisfaction survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of hunter participation in the previous season for each satisfaction survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Deer Hunter Participation in Previous Season

Did you hunt Deer during the 2022 season?

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Yes 138 96.5 394 98.5 532 98

No 5 3.5 6 1.5 11 2

Total 143 100.0 400 100.0 543 100

Waterfowl Hunter Participation in Previous Season

Did you hunt Waterfowl during the 2022 - 2023 season?

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Yes 1 33.3 368 80.9 369 80.6

No 2 66.7 87 19.1 89 19.4

Total 3 100.0 455 100.0 458 100.0

Upland Game Hunter Participation in Previous Season

Did you hunt Upland Game or Small Game in the 2022-2023 season?

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Yes 69 80.2 173 75.5 242 76.8

No 17 19.8 56 24.5 73 23.2

Total 86 100.0 229 100.0 315 100.0

Spring Turkey Hunter Participation in Previous Season

Did you hunt Spring Turkey in 2023?

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Yes 315 96.9 345 95.8 660 96.4

No 10 3.1 15 4.2 25 3.6

Total 325 100.0 360 100.0 685 100.0

Fall Turkey Hunter Participation in Previous Season

Did you hunt Fall Turkey in 2022?

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Yes 56 82.4 316 81.7 372 81.8

No 12 17.6 71 18.3 83 18.2

Total 68 100.0 387 100.0 455 100.0

Importance of Hunting Attributes

The following is a list of experiences that may hold some importance to you as a XXXX hunter. Indicate how important you view each of the following experiences when hunting XXXX.

Importance of Deer Hunting Attributes

Seeing Deer

\(\chi^2\) = 0.05, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 1.04 (0.72 - 1.51), p-value = 0.82

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 61 44.2 181 45.9 242 45.5

Very important 57 41.3 160 40.6 217 40.8

Moderately important 18 13.0 43 10.9 61 11.5

Slightly important 1 0.7 6 1.5 7 1.3

Not at all important 0 0.0 4 1.0 4 0.8

No Response 1 0.7 0 0.0 1 0.2

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0

Opportunities to Shoot Deer

\(\chi^2\) = 0.17, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 1.08 (0.76 - 1.53), p-value = 0.68

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 28 20.3 95 24.1 123 23.1

Very important 57 41.3 149 37.8 206 38.7

Moderately important 46 33.3 123 31.2 169 31.8

Slightly important 5 3.6 23 5.8 28 5.3

Not at all important 2 1.4 3 0.8 5 0.9

No Response 0 0.0 1 0.3 1 0.2

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0

Harvesting Deer

\(\chi^2\) = 4.51, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 1.47 (1.03 - 2.09), p-value = 0.03

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 21 15.2 74 18.8 95 17.9

Very important 26 18.8 105 26.6 131 24.6

Moderately important 63 45.7 153 38.8 216 40.6

Slightly important 21 15.2 46 11.7 67 12.6

Not at all important 7 5.1 16 4.1 23 4.3

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0

Harvesting a Trophy Deer

\(\chi^2\) = 7.41, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.61 (0.43 - 0.87), p-value < 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 12 8.7 27 6.9 39 7.3

Very important 31 22.5 48 12.2 79 14.8

Moderately important 47 34.1 131 33.2 178 33.5

Slightly important 26 18.8 117 29.7 143 26.9

Not at all important 22 15.9 70 17.8 92 17.3

No Response 0 0.0 1 0.3 1 0.2

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0

Seeing Sign of Game (e.g., antler rubs, scrapes, tracks) Deer

\(\chi^2\) = 0.3, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.91 (0.64 - 1.29), p-value = 0.58

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 25 18.1 70 17.8 95 17.9

Very important 63 45.7 170 43.1 233 43.8

Moderately important 35 25.4 100 25.4 135 25.4

Slightly important 12 8.7 45 11.4 57 10.7

Not at all important 3 2.2 8 2.0 11 2.1

No Response 0 0.0 1 0.3 1 0.2

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0

Calling in Game Deer

\(\chi^2\) = 0.2, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 1.08 (0.76 - 1.54), p-value = 0.66

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 7 5.1 9 2.3 16 3.0

Very important 12 8.7 46 11.7 58 10.9

Moderately important 39 28.3 124 31.5 163 30.6

Slightly important 42 30.4 109 27.7 151 28.4

Not at all important 38 27.5 104 26.4 142 26.7

No Response 0 0.0 2 0.5 2 0.4

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0

Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions Deer

\(\chi^2\) = 0.01, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.98 (0.69 - 1.4), p-value = 0.92

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 7 5.1 20 5.1 27 5.1

Very important 19 13.8 46 11.7 65 12.2

Moderately important 43 31.2 119 30.2 162 30.5

Slightly important 33 23.9 127 32.2 160 30.1

Not at all important 35 25.4 82 20.8 117 22.0

No Response 1 0.7 0 0.0 1 0.2

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0

Not Seeing Other Hunters Deer

\(\chi^2\) = 3.97, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 1.43 (1.01 - 2.02), p-value = 0.05

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 24 17.4 95 24.1 119 22.4

Very important 39 28.3 112 28.4 151 28.4

Moderately important 44 31.9 119 30.2 163 30.6

Slightly important 18 13.0 47 11.9 65 12.2

Not at all important 13 9.4 19 4.8 32 6.0

No Response 0 0.0 2 0.5 2 0.4

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0

Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters Deer

\(\chi^2\) = 9.46, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 1.77 (1.23 - 2.55), p-value < 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 57 41.3 218 55.3 275 51.7

Very important 48 34.8 112 28.4 160 30.1

Moderately important 17 12.3 40 10.2 57 10.7

Slightly important 10 7.2 13 3.3 23 4.3

Not at all important 6 4.3 9 2.3 15 2.8

No Response 0 0.0 2 0.5 2 0.4

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0

Access to Private Land for Hunting Deer

\(\chi^2\) = 21.65, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 2.34 (1.64 - 3.36), p-value < 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 37 26.8 181 45.9 218 41.0

Very important 50 36.2 132 33.5 182 34.2

Moderately important 25 18.1 49 12.4 74 13.9

Slightly important 13 9.4 16 4.1 29 5.5

Not at all important 12 8.7 14 3.6 26 4.9

No Response 1 0.7 2 0.5 3 0.6

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0

Access to Public Land for Hunting Deer

\(\chi^2\) = 28.57, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.4 (0.28 - 0.56), p-value < 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 43 31.2 94 23.9 137 25.8

Very important 51 37.0 57 14.5 108 20.3

Moderately important 28 20.3 96 24.4 124 23.3

Slightly important 11 8.0 79 20.1 90 16.9

Not at all important 5 3.6 65 16.5 70 13.2

No Response 0 0.0 3 0.8 3 0.6

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0

Hunting with Other People in My Party Deer

\(\chi^2\) = 2.89, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.74 (0.52 - 1.05), p-value = 0.09

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 35 25.4 80 20.3 115 21.6

Very important 42 30.4 113 28.7 155 29.1

Moderately important 37 26.8 102 25.9 139 26.1

Slightly important 12 8.7 56 14.2 68 12.8

Not at all important 12 8.7 41 10.4 53 10.0

No Response 0 0.0 2 0.5 2 0.4

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0

Importance of Waterfowl Hunting Attributes

Seeing Waterfowl

Too few non-residents to estimate odds ratio and confidence interval.

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 1 100 162 44.0 163 44.2

Very important 0 0 147 39.9 147 39.8

Moderately important 0 0 53 14.4 53 14.4

Slightly important 0 0 4 1.1 4 1.1

Not at all important 0 0 1 0.3 1 0.3

No Response 0 0 1 0.3 1 0.3

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Opportunities to Shoot Waterfowl

Too few non-residents to estimate odds ratio and confidence interval.

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 1 100 101 27.4 102 27.6

Very important 0 0 146 39.7 146 39.6

Moderately important 0 0 106 28.8 106 28.7

Slightly important 0 0 12 3.3 12 3.3

Not at all important 0 0 2 0.5 2 0.5

No Response 0 0 1 0.3 1 0.3

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Harvesting Waterfowl

Too few non-residents to estimate odds ratio and confidence interval.

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 1 100 60 16.3 61 16.5

Very important 0 0 85 23.1 85 23.0

Moderately important 0 0 170 46.2 170 46.1

Slightly important 0 0 41 11.1 41 11.1

Not at all important 0 0 9 2.4 9 2.4

No Response 0 0 3 0.8 3 0.8

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Waterfowl

Too few non-residents to estimate odds ratio and confidence interval.

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 0 0 14 3.8 14 3.8

Very important 1 100 22 6.0 23 6.2

Moderately important 0 0 100 27.2 100 27.1

Slightly important 0 0 138 37.5 138 37.4

Not at all important 0 0 93 25.3 93 25.2

No Response 0 0 1 0.3 1 0.3

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Calling in Waterfowl

Too few non-residents to estimate odds ratio and confidence interval.

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 1 100 91 24.7 92 24.9

Very important 0 0 143 38.9 143 38.8

Moderately important 0 0 86 23.4 86 23.3

Slightly important 0 0 42 11.4 42 11.4

Not at all important 0 0 6 1.6 6 1.6

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Having Waterfowl Come into My Decoy(s)

Too few non-residents to estimate odds ratio and confidence interval.

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 1 100 114 31.0 115 31.2

Very important 0 0 155 42.1 155 42.0

Moderately important 0 0 78 21.2 78 21.1

Slightly important 0 0 18 4.9 18 4.9

Not at all important 0 0 2 0.5 2 0.5

No Response 0 0 1 0.3 1 0.3

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions Waterfowl

Too few non-residents to estimate odds ratio and confidence interval.

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 1 100 34 9.2 35 9.5

Very important 0 0 56 15.2 56 15.2

Moderately important 0 0 103 28.0 103 27.9

Slightly important 0 0 104 28.3 104 28.2

Not at all important 0 0 70 19.0 70 19.0

No Response 0 0 1 0.3 1 0.3

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Not Seeing Other Hunters Waterfowl

Too few non-residents to estimate odds ratio and confidence interval.

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 1 100 59 16.0 60 16.3

Very important 0 0 76 20.7 76 20.6

Moderately important 0 0 135 36.7 135 36.6

Slightly important 0 0 65 17.7 65 17.6

Not at all important 0 0 32 8.7 32 8.7

No Response 0 0 1 0.3 1 0.3

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters Waterfowl

Too few non-residents to estimate odds ratio and confidence interval.

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 1 100 175 47.6 176 47.7

Very important 0 0 107 29.1 107 29.0

Moderately important 0 0 55 14.9 55 14.9

Slightly important 0 0 18 4.9 18 4.9

Not at all important 0 0 13 3.5 13 3.5

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Access to Private Land for Hunting Waterfowl

Too few non-residents to estimate odds ratio and confidence interval.

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 1 100 123 33.4 124 33.6

Very important 0 0 114 31.0 114 30.9

Moderately important 0 0 84 22.8 84 22.8

Slightly important 0 0 28 7.6 28 7.6

Not at all important 0 0 18 4.9 18 4.9

No Response 0 0 1 0.3 1 0.3

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Access to Public Land for Hunting Waterfowl

Too few non-residents to estimate odds ratio and confidence interval.

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 1 100 107 29.1 108 29.3

Very important 0 0 85 23.1 85 23.0

Moderately important 0 0 98 26.6 98 26.6

Slightly important 0 0 44 12.0 44 11.9

Not at all important 0 0 32 8.7 32 8.7

No Response 0 0 2 0.5 2 0.5

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Hunting with Other People in My Party Waterfowl

Too few non-residents to estimate odds ratio and confidence interval.

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 1 100 109 29.6 110 29.8

Very important 0 0 140 38.0 140 37.9

Moderately important 0 0 90 24.5 90 24.4

Slightly important 0 0 16 4.3 16 4.3

Not at all important 0 0 13 3.5 13 3.5

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Using a Dog to Hunt Waterfowl

Too few non-residents to estimate odds ratio and confidence interval.

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 0 0 112 30.4 112 30.4

Very important 1 100 59 16.0 60 16.3

Moderately important 0 0 97 26.4 97 26.3

Slightly important 0 0 56 15.2 56 15.2

Not at all important 0 0 43 11.7 43 11.7

No Response 0 0 1 0.3 1 0.3

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Importance of Upland Game Hunting Attributes

Seeing Game Birds Upland

\(\chi^2\) = 0.53, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.82 (0.47 - 1.41), p-value = 0.47

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 33 50.0 78 47.9 111 48.5

Very important 29 43.9 64 39.3 93 40.6

Moderately important 4 6.1 16 9.8 20 8.7

Slightly important 0 0.0 5 3.1 5 2.2

Total 66 100.0 163 100.0 229 100.0

Opportunities to Shoot Game Birds Upland

\(\chi^2\) = 0.01, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 1.02 (0.6 - 1.74), p-value = 0.94

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 19 28.8 40 24.5 59 25.8

Very important 24 36.4 74 45.4 98 42.8

Moderately important 20 30.3 37 22.7 57 24.9

Slightly important 3 4.5 9 5.5 12 5.2

Not at all important 0 0.0 1 0.6 1 0.4

No Response 0 0.0 2 1.2 2 0.9

Total 66 100.0 163 100.0 229 100.0

Harvesting Game Birds Upland

\(\chi^2\) = 0.03, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 1.05 (0.62 - 1.78), p-value = 0.86

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 11 16.7 24 14.7 35 15.3

Very important 17 25.8 49 30.1 66 28.8

Moderately important 28 42.4 68 41.7 96 41.9

Slightly important 8 12.1 16 9.8 24 10.5

Not at all important 1 1.5 4 2.5 5 2.2

No Response 1 1.5 2 1.2 3 1.3

Total 66 100.0 163 100.0 229 100.0

Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Game Birds Upland

\(\chi^2\) = 0.26, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 1.14 (0.68 - 1.93), p-value = 0.61

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 3 4.5 11 6.7 14 6.1

Very important 3 4.5 9 5.5 12 5.2

Moderately important 21 31.8 43 26.4 64 27.9

Slightly important 16 24.2 53 32.5 69 30.1

Not at all important 23 34.8 46 28.2 69 30.1

No Response 0 0.0 1 0.6 1 0.4

Total 66 100.0 163 100.0 229 100.0

Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions Upland

\(\chi^2\) = 0.49, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.83 (0.5 - 1.39), p-value = 0.48

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 1 1.5 8 4.9 9 3.9

Very important 4 6.1 16 9.8 20 8.7

Moderately important 32 48.5 50 30.7 82 35.8

Slightly important 17 25.8 52 31.9 69 30.1

Not at all important 12 18.2 37 22.7 49 21.4

Total 66 100.0 163 100.0 229 100.0

Not Seeing Other Hunters Upland

\(\chi^2\) = 0.48, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 1.2 (0.71 - 2.02), p-value = 0.49

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 5 7.6 9 5.5 14 6.1

Very important 9 13.6 30 18.4 39 17.0

Moderately important 24 36.4 67 41.1 91 39.7

Slightly important 20 30.3 36 22.1 56 24.5

Not at all important 8 12.1 21 12.9 29 12.7

Total 66 100.0 163 100.0 229 100.0

Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters Upland

\(\chi^2\) = 0.67, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.81 (0.48 - 1.35), p-value = 0.41

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 20 30.3 47 28.8 67 29.3

Very important 27 40.9 59 36.2 86 37.6

Moderately important 13 19.7 29 17.8 42 18.3

Slightly important 4 6.1 17 10.4 21 9.2

Not at all important 2 3.0 10 6.1 12 5.2

No Response 0 0.0 1 0.6 1 0.4

Total 66 100.0 163 100.0 229 100.0

Access to Private Land for Hunting Upland

\(\chi^2\) = 0.03, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 1.05 (0.61 - 1.78), p-value = 0.87

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 21 31.8 42 25.8 63 27.5

Very important 20 30.3 63 38.7 83 36.2

Moderately important 14 21.2 42 25.8 56 24.5

Slightly important 6 9.1 10 6.1 16 7.0

Not at all important 5 7.6 4 2.5 9 3.9

No Response 0 0.0 2 1.2 2 0.9

Total 66 100.0 163 100.0 229 100.0

Access to Public Land for Hunting Upland

\(\chi^2\) = 1.01, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.76 (0.45 - 1.29), p-value = 0.31

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 29 43.9 57 35.0 86 37.6

Very important 18 27.3 50 30.7 68 29.7

Moderately important 8 12.1 32 19.6 40 17.5

Slightly important 10 15.2 11 6.7 21 9.2

Not at all important 1 1.5 11 6.7 12 5.2

No Response 0 0.0 2 1.2 2 0.9

Total 66 100.0 163 100.0 229 100.0

Hunting with Other People in My Party Upland

\(\chi^2\) = 1.7, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.7 (0.42 - 1.19), p-value = 0.19

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 21 31.8 33 20.2 54 23.6

Very important 19 28.8 49 30.1 68 29.7

Moderately important 12 18.2 49 30.1 61 26.6

Slightly important 7 10.6 23 14.1 30 13.1

Not at all important 7 10.6 9 5.5 16 7.0

Total 66 100.0 163 100.0 229 100.0

Using a Dog to Hunt Upland

\(\chi^2\) = 10.76, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.41 (0.24 - 0.71), p-value < 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 37 56.1 61 37.4 98 42.8

Very important 17 25.8 34 20.9 51 22.3

Moderately important 5 7.6 21 12.9 26 11.4

Slightly important 2 3.0 18 11.0 20 8.7

Not at all important 5 7.6 29 17.8 34 14.8

Total 66 100.0 163 100.0 229 100.0

Importance of Spring Turkey Hunting Attributes

Seeing Turkeys Spring Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 3.04, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.77 (0.57 - 1.03), p-value = 0.08

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 163 51.7 162 47.0 325 49.2

Very important 131 41.6 142 41.2 273 41.4

Moderately important 19 6.0 37 10.7 56 8.5

Slightly important 1 0.3 3 0.9 4 0.6

No Response 1 0.3 1 0.3 2 0.3

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Opportunities to Shoot Turkey Spring Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 5.68, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.71 (0.54 - 0.94), p-value = 0.02

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 87 27.6 73 21.2 160 24.2

Very important 127 40.3 139 40.3 266 40.3

Moderately important 86 27.3 106 30.7 192 29.1

Slightly important 12 3.8 25 7.2 37 5.6

Not at all important 1 0.3 1 0.3 2 0.3

No Response 2 0.6 1 0.3 3 0.5

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Harvesting a Tom Spring Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 11.34, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.62 (0.47 - 0.82), p-value < 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 75 23.8 65 18.8 140 21.2

Very important 112 35.6 99 28.7 211 32.0

Moderately important 106 33.7 126 36.5 232 35.2

Slightly important 17 5.4 46 13.3 63 9.5

Not at all important 5 1.6 8 2.3 13 2.0

No Response 0 0.0 1 0.3 1 0.2

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Harvesting a Jake Spring Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 76.47, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 3.74 (2.76 - 5.06), p-value < 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 1 0.3 9 2.6 10 1.5

Very important 10 3.2 29 8.4 39 5.9

Moderately important 42 13.3 98 28.4 140 21.2

Slightly important 56 17.8 99 28.7 155 23.5

Not at all important 202 64.1 108 31.3 310 47.0

No Response 4 1.3 2 0.6 6 0.9

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Harvesting a Bearded Hen Spring Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 31.37, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 2.66 (1.87 - 3.78), p-value < 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 2 0.6 1 0.3 3 0.5

Very important 4 1.3 13 3.8 17 2.6

Moderately important 16 5.1 50 14.5 66 10.0

Slightly important 38 12.1 69 20.0 107 16.2

Not at all important 250 79.4 211 61.2 461 69.8

No Response 5 1.6 1 0.3 6 0.9

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Harvesting a Trophy Turkey Spring Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 5.73, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.72 (0.54 - 0.94), p-value = 0.02

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 41 13.0 23 6.7 64 9.7

Very important 43 13.7 55 15.9 98 14.8

Moderately important 104 33.0 99 28.7 203 30.8

Slightly important 58 18.4 71 20.6 129 19.5

Not at all important 68 21.6 96 27.8 164 24.8

No Response 1 0.3 1 0.3 2 0.3

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Hearing Gobbling Spring Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 4.77, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.72 (0.54 - 0.97), p-value = 0.03

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 168 53.3 157 45.5 325 49.2

Very important 114 36.2 142 41.2 256 38.8

Moderately important 27 8.6 42 12.2 69 10.5

Slightly important 4 1.3 3 0.9 7 1.1

Not at all important 0 0.0 1 0.3 1 0.2

No Response 2 0.6 0 0.0 2 0.3

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Calling in Turkeys Spring Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 6.33, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.69 (0.52 - 0.92), p-value < 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 135 42.9 130 37.7 265 40.2

Very important 141 44.8 138 40.0 279 42.3

Moderately important 37 11.7 68 19.7 105 15.9

Slightly important 0 0.0 7 2.0 7 1.1

Not at all important 1 0.3 1 0.3 2 0.3

No Response 1 0.3 1 0.3 2 0.3

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s) Spring Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 9.74, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 1.55 (1.18 - 2.05), p-value < 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 76 24.1 93 27.0 169 25.6

Very important 90 28.6 128 37.1 218 33.0

Moderately important 81 25.7 92 26.7 173 26.2

Slightly important 32 10.2 19 5.5 51 7.7

Not at all important 35 11.1 13 3.8 48 7.3

No Response 1 0.3 0 0.0 1 0.2

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions Spring Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 0.06, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 1.04 (0.78 - 1.37), p-value = 0.8

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 33 10.5 24 7.0 57 8.6

Very important 42 13.3 56 16.2 98 14.8

Moderately important 130 41.3 148 42.9 278 42.1

Slightly important 57 18.1 78 22.6 135 20.5

Not at all important 52 16.5 39 11.3 91 13.8

No Response 1 0.3 0 0.0 1 0.2

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Not Seeing Other Hunters Spring Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 0.27, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 1.08 (0.82 - 1.42), p-value = 0.6

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 65 20.6 75 21.7 140 21.2

Very important 87 27.6 109 31.6 196 29.7

Moderately important 108 34.3 98 28.4 206 31.2

Slightly important 40 12.7 50 14.5 90 13.6

Not at all important 11 3.5 13 3.8 24 3.6

No Response 4 1.3 0 0.0 4 0.6

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters Spring Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 0.53, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 1.11 (0.84 - 1.48), p-value = 0.47

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 139 44.1 164 47.5 303 45.9

Very important 110 34.9 112 32.5 222 33.6

Moderately important 43 13.7 44 12.8 87 13.2

Slightly important 17 5.4 13 3.8 30 4.5

Not at all important 5 1.6 11 3.2 16 2.4

No Response 1 0.3 1 0.3 2 0.3

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Access to Private Land for Hunting Spring Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 12.03, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 1.64 (1.24 - 2.16), p-value < 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 89 28.3 134 38.8 223 33.8

Very important 95 30.2 114 33.0 209 31.7

Moderately important 95 30.2 58 16.8 153 23.2

Slightly important 16 5.1 23 6.7 39 5.9

Not at all important 19 6.0 14 4.1 33 5.0

No Response 1 0.3 2 0.6 3 0.5

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Access to Public Land for Hunting Spring Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 9.69, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.64 (0.49 - 0.85), p-value < 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 117 37.1 107 31.0 224 33.9

Very important 83 26.3 71 20.6 154 23.3

Moderately important 68 21.6 80 23.2 148 22.4

Slightly important 19 6.0 50 14.5 69 10.5

Not at all important 24 7.6 35 10.1 59 8.9

No Response 4 1.3 2 0.6 6 0.9

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Hunting with Other People in My Party Spring Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 0.04, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 1.03 (0.78 - 1.35), p-value = 0.85

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 70 22.2 75 21.7 145 22.0

Very important 93 29.5 105 30.4 198 30.0

Moderately important 86 27.3 98 28.4 184 27.9

Slightly important 28 8.9 35 10.1 63 9.5

Not at all important 36 11.4 31 9.0 67 10.2

No Response 2 0.6 1 0.3 3 0.5

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Importance of Fall Turkey Hunting Attributes

Seeing Turkeys Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 2.8, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.63 (0.37 - 1.08), p-value = 0.09

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 24 42.9 104 32.9 128 34.4

Very important 23 41.1 144 45.6 167 44.9

Moderately important 7 12.5 60 19.0 67 18.0

Slightly important 0 0.0 4 1.3 4 1.1

Not at all important 1 1.8 4 1.3 5 1.3

No Response 1 1.8 0 0.0 1 0.3

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Opportunities to Shoot Turkey Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 0.04, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.95 (0.56 - 1.61), p-value = 0.85

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 11 19.6 55 17.4 66 17.7

Very important 20 35.7 117 37.0 137 36.8

Moderately important 20 35.7 115 36.4 135 36.3

Slightly important 4 7.1 20 6.3 24 6.5

Not at all important 1 1.8 7 2.2 8 2.2

No Response 0 0.0 2 0.6 2 0.5

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Harvesting a Tom Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 1.27, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.74 (0.43 - 1.26), p-value = 0.26

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 9 16.1 26 8.2 35 9.4

Very important 12 21.4 56 17.7 68 18.3

Moderately important 18 32.1 147 46.5 165 44.4

Slightly important 13 23.2 53 16.8 66 17.7

Not at all important 4 7.1 34 10.8 38 10.2

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Harvesting a Jake Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 3.43, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 1.62 (0.97 - 2.71), p-value = 0.06

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 0 0.0 9 2.8 9 2.4

Very important 2 3.6 21 6.6 23 6.2

Moderately important 18 32.1 118 37.3 136 36.6

Slightly important 16 28.6 82 25.9 98 26.3

Not at all important 20 35.7 84 26.6 104 28.0

No Response 0 0.0 2 0.6 2 0.5

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Harvesting a Bearded Hen Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 4.48, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 1.81 (1.03 - 3.16), p-value = 0.03

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 1 1.8 7 2.2 8 2.2

Very important 2 3.6 17 5.4 19 5.1

Moderately important 7 12.5 77 24.4 84 22.6

Slightly important 12 21.4 67 21.2 79 21.2

Not at all important 33 58.9 145 45.9 178 47.8

No Response 1 1.8 3 0.9 4 1.1

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Harvesting a Trophy Turkey Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 0.06, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.94 (0.57 - 1.55), p-value = 0.8

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 4 7.1 20 6.3 24 6.5

Very important 6 10.7 29 9.2 35 9.4

Moderately important 10 17.9 80 25.3 90 24.2

Slightly important 20 35.7 76 24.1 96 25.8

Not at all important 16 28.6 110 34.8 126 33.9

No Response 0 0.0 1 0.3 1 0.3

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Hearing Gobbling Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 0.03, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.95 (0.56 - 1.61), p-value = 0.85

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 15 26.8 69 21.8 84 22.6

Very important 17 30.4 114 36.1 131 35.2

Moderately important 14 25.0 75 23.7 89 23.9

Slightly important 2 3.6 32 10.1 34 9.1

Not at all important 8 14.3 26 8.2 34 9.1

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Breaking up Turkey Flocks Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 1.01, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.77 (0.45 - 1.29), p-value = 0.32

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 15 26.8 54 17.1 69 18.5

Very important 15 26.8 102 32.3 117 31.5

Moderately important 13 23.2 86 27.2 99 26.6

Slightly important 8 14.3 38 12.0 46 12.4

Not at all important 5 8.9 36 11.4 41 11.0

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Calling in Turkeys Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 1.71, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.7 (0.4 - 1.19), p-value = 0.19

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 4 7.1 6 1.9 10 2.7

Very important 3 5.4 16 5.1 19 5.1

Moderately important 14 25.0 60 19.0 74 19.9

Slightly important 10 17.9 84 26.6 94 25.3

Not at all important 24 42.9 149 47.2 173 46.5

No Response 1 1.8 1 0.3 2 0.5

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s) Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 4.71, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 1.75 (1.06 - 2.91), p-value = 0.03

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 5 8.9 38 12.0 43 11.6

Very important 8 14.3 83 26.3 91 24.5

Moderately important 14 25.0 84 26.6 98 26.3

Slightly important 13 23.2 47 14.9 60 16.1

Not at all important 15 26.8 64 20.3 79 21.2

No Response 1 1.8 0 0.0 1 0.3

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 0.95, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.78 (0.47 - 1.29), p-value = 0.33

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 6 10.7 11 3.5 17 4.6

Very important 7 12.5 63 19.9 70 18.8

Moderately important 24 42.9 112 35.4 136 36.6

Slightly important 12 21.4 70 22.2 82 22.0

Not at all important 7 12.5 58 18.4 65 17.5

No Response 0 0.0 2 0.6 2 0.5

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Not Seeing Other Hunters Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 2.11, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.69 (0.42 - 1.14), p-value = 0.15

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 13 23.2 46 14.6 59 15.9

Very important 13 23.2 98 31.0 111 29.8

Moderately important 24 42.9 92 29.1 116 31.2

Slightly important 4 7.1 53 16.8 57 15.3

Not at all important 2 3.6 25 7.9 27 7.3

No Response 0 0.0 2 0.6 2 0.5

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 2.76, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.65 (0.38 - 1.09), p-value = 0.1

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 24 42.9 111 35.1 135 36.3

Very important 23 41.1 121 38.3 144 38.7

Moderately important 7 12.5 43 13.6 50 13.4

Slightly important 1 1.8 25 7.9 26 7.0

Not at all important 1 1.8 15 4.7 16 4.3

No Response 0 0.0 1 0.3 1 0.3

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Access to Private Land for Hunting Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 0.78, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.79 (0.47 - 1.33), p-value = 0.38

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 18 32.1 83 26.3 101 27.2

Very important 18 32.1 119 37.7 137 36.8

Moderately important 11 19.6 53 16.8 64 17.2

Slightly important 6 10.7 29 9.2 35 9.4

Not at all important 2 3.6 31 9.8 33 8.9

No Response 1 1.8 1 0.3 2 0.5

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Access to Public Land for Hunting Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 0.19, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.9 (0.54 - 1.48), p-value 0.67

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 15 26.8 83 26.3 98 26.3

Very important 14 25.0 63 19.9 77 20.7

Moderately important 10 17.9 72 22.8 82 22.0

Slightly important 10 17.9 49 15.5 59 15.9

Not at all important 7 12.5 48 15.2 55 14.8

No Response 0 0.0 1 0.3 1 0.3

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Hunting with Other People in My Party Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 3.93, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.6 (0.36 - 0.99), p-value = 0.05

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 13 23.2 48 15.2 61 16.4

Very important 16 28.6 73 23.1 89 23.9

Moderately important 14 25.0 83 26.3 97 26.1

Slightly important 4 7.1 52 16.5 56 15.1

Not at all important 9 16.1 60 19.0 69 18.5

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Importance of Small Game Hunting Attributes

Seeing Game Animals Small Game

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 0 0 1 20 2 33.3

Very important 0 0 4 80 4 66.7

Total 5 500 1 20 6 100.0

Opportunities to Shoot Game Animals Small Game

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 0 0 0 0 1 16.7

Very important 0 0 1 20 1 16.7

Moderately important 0 0 1 20 1 16.7

Slightly important 0 0 2 40 2 33.3

Not at all important 0 0 1 20 1 16.7

Total 5 500 1 20 6 100.0

Harvesting Game Animals Small Game

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 0 0 0 0 1 16.7

Moderately important 0 0 3 60 3 50.0

Slightly important 0 0 2 40 2 33.3

Total 5 500 1 20 6 100.0

Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Game Animals Small Game

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 0 0 0 0 1 16.7

Moderately important 0 0 1 20 1 16.7

Slightly important 0 0 2 40 2 33.3

Not at all important 0 0 2 40 2 33.3

Total 5 500 1 20 6 100.0

Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions Small Game

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 0 0 0 0 1 16.7

Very important 0 0 1 20 1 16.7

Moderately important 0 0 1 20 1 16.7

Slightly important 0 0 3 60 3 50.0

Total 5 500 1 20 6 100.0

Not Seeing Other Hunters Small Game

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 0 0 0 0 1 16.7

Very important 0 0 3 60 3 50.0

Moderately important 0 0 1 20 1 16.7

Not at all important 0 0 1 20 1 16.7

Total 5 500 1 20 6 100.0

Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters Small Game

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 0 0 2 40 3 50

Very important 0 0 3 60 3 50

Total 5 500 1 20 6 100

Access to Private Land for Hunting Small Game

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 0 0 3 60 4 66.7

Very important 0 0 1 20 1 16.7

Not at all important 0 0 1 20 1 16.7

Total 5 500 1 20 6 100.0

Access to Public Land for Hunting Small Game

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 0 0 2 40 3 50.0

Very important 0 0 1 20 1 16.7

Moderately important 0 0 1 20 1 16.7

Not at all important 0 0 1 20 1 16.7

Total 5 500 1 20 6 100.0

Hunting with Other People in My Party Small Game

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Extremely important 0 0 2 40 3 50.0

Very important 0 0 1 20 1 16.7

Slightly important 0 0 1 20 1 16.7

Not at all important 0 0 1 20 1 16.7

Total 5 500 1 20 6 100.0

Using a Dog to Hunt Small Game

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Not at all important 0 0 5 100 6 100

Total 5 500 1 20 6 100

Performance of Hunting Attributes

In respect to your expectations for XXXX hunting, how would you rate each of the following aspects of your hunting experience in XXXX?

Performance of Deer Hunting Attributes

Seeing Deer

\(\chi^2\) = 2.09, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.77 (0.54 - 1.1), p-value = 0.15

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 8 5.8 13 3.3 21 3.9

Exceeded expectations 24 17.4 56 14.2 80 15.0

Equal to expectations 50 36.2 144 36.5 194 36.5

Below expectations 41 29.7 130 33.0 171 32.1

Far below expectations 14 10.1 47 11.9 61 11.5

No Response 1 0.7 4 1.0 5 0.9

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0

Opportunities to Shoot Deer

\(\chi^2\) = 0.8, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.85 (0.59 - 1.21), p-value = 0.37

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 4 2.9 13 3.3 17 3.2

Exceeded expectations 22 15.9 48 12.2 70 13.2

Equal to expectations 52 37.7 146 37.1 198 37.2

Below expectations 41 29.7 131 33.2 172 32.3

Far below expectations 17 12.3 51 12.9 68 12.8

No Response 2 1.4 5 1.3 7 1.3

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0

Harvesting Deer

\(\chi^2\) = 3.23, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.72 (0.5 - 1.03), p-value = 0.07

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 7 5.1 13 3.3 20 3.8

Exceeded expectations 23 16.7 43 10.9 66 12.4

Equal to expectations 53 38.4 161 40.9 214 40.2

Below expectations 33 23.9 99 25.1 132 24.8

Far below expectations 20 14.5 74 18.8 94 17.7

No Response 2 1.4 4 1.0 6 1.1

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0

Harvesting a Trophy Deer

\(\chi^2\) = 3.19, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.72 (0.51 - 1.03), p-value = 0.07

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 4 2.9 5 1.3 9 1.7

Exceeded expectations 12 8.7 30 7.6 42 7.9

Equal to expectations 43 31.2 101 25.6 144 27.1

Below expectations 43 31.2 134 34.0 177 33.3

Far below expectations 34 24.6 119 30.2 153 28.8

No Response 2 1.4 5 1.3 7 1.3

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0

Seeing Sign of Game (e.g., antler rubs, scrapes, tracks) Deer

\(\chi^2\) = 0.08, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 1.06 (0.73 - 1.53), p-value = 0.78

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 3 2.2 10 2.5 13 2.4

Exceeded expectations 14 10.1 41 10.4 55 10.3

Equal to expectations 73 52.9 206 52.3 279 52.4

Below expectations 34 24.6 103 26.1 137 25.8

Far below expectations 13 9.4 29 7.4 42 7.9

No Response 1 0.7 5 1.3 6 1.1

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0

Calling in Game Deer

\(\chi^2\) = 0.44, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 1.13 (0.79 - 1.63), p-value = 0.51

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 0 0.0 2 0.5 2 0.4

Exceeded expectations 1 0.7 16 4.1 17 3.2

Equal to expectations 73 52.9 193 49.0 266 50.0

Below expectations 35 25.4 107 27.2 142 26.7

Far below expectations 28 20.3 70 17.8 98 18.4

No Response 1 0.7 6 1.5 7 1.3

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0

Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions Deer

\(\chi^2\) = 0.16, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 1.09 (0.72 - 1.67), p-value = 0.69

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 6 4.3 9 2.3 15 2.8

Exceeded expectations 20 14.5 50 12.7 70 13.2

Equal to expectations 85 61.6 282 71.6 367 69.0

Below expectations 18 13.0 39 9.9 57 10.7

Far below expectations 8 5.8 11 2.8 19 3.6

No Response 1 0.7 3 0.8 4 0.8

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0

Not Seeing Other Hunters Deer

\(\chi^2\) = 0.31, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.9 (0.62 - 1.31), p-value = 0.58

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 16 11.6 25 6.3 41 7.7

Exceeded expectations 23 16.7 77 19.5 100 18.8

Equal to expectations 73 52.9 213 54.1 286 53.8

Below expectations 12 8.7 57 14.5 69 13.0

Far below expectations 13 9.4 18 4.6 31 5.8

No Response 1 0.7 4 1.0 5 0.9

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0

Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters Deer

\(\chi^2\) = 2.4, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.75 (0.52 - 1.08), p-value = 0.12

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 22 15.9 40 10.2 62 11.7

Exceeded expectations 25 18.1 80 20.3 105 19.7

Equal to expectations 73 52.9 197 50.0 270 50.8

Below expectations 7 5.1 52 13.2 59 11.1

Far below expectations 10 7.2 22 5.6 32 6.0

No Response 1 0.7 3 0.8 4 0.8

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0

Access to Private Land for Hunting Deer

\(\chi^2\) = 0, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.99 (0.69 - 1.44), p-value = 0.98

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 20 14.5 57 14.5 77 14.5

Exceeded expectations 29 21.0 70 17.8 99 18.6

Equal to expectations 61 44.2 207 52.5 268 50.4

Below expectations 17 12.3 28 7.1 45 8.5

Far below expectations 8 5.8 27 6.9 35 6.6

No Response 3 2.2 5 1.3 8 1.5

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0

Access to Public Land for Hunting Deer

\(\chi^2\) = 6.57, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.59 (0.4 - 0.89), p-value = 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 16 11.6 16 4.1 32 6.0

Exceeded expectations 11 8.0 31 7.9 42 7.9

Equal to expectations 85 61.6 246 62.4 331 62.2

Below expectations 15 10.9 53 13.5 68 12.8

Far below expectations 9 6.5 41 10.4 50 9.4

No Response 2 1.4 7 1.8 9 1.7

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0

Hunting with Other People in My Party Deer

\(\chi^2\) = 10.81, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.52 (0.36 - 0.77), p-value < 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 26 18.8 34 8.6 60 11.3

Exceeded expectations 30 21.7 66 16.8 96 18.0

Equal to expectations 70 50.7 252 64.0 322 60.5

Below expectations 4 2.9 24 6.1 28 5.3

Far below expectations 7 5.1 15 3.8 22 4.1

No Response 1 0.7 3 0.8 4 0.8

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0

Performance of Waterfowl Hunting Attributes

Seeing Waterfowl

Too few non-residents to estimate odds ratio and confidence interval.

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 0 0 15 4.1 15 4.1

Exceeded expectations 0 0 45 12.2 45 12.2

Equal to expectations 1 100 177 48.1 178 48.2

Below expectations 0 0 109 29.6 109 29.5

Far below expectations 0 0 18 4.9 18 4.9

No Response 0 0 4 1.1 4 1.1

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Opportunities to Shoot Waterfowl

Too few non-residents to estimate odds ratio and confidence interval.

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 0 0 10 2.7 10 2.7

Exceeded expectations 0 0 55 14.9 55 14.9

Equal to expectations 1 100 161 43.8 162 43.9

Below expectations 0 0 114 31.0 114 30.9

Far below expectations 0 0 24 6.5 24 6.5

No Response 0 0 4 1.1 4 1.1

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Harvesting Waterfowl

Too few non-residents to estimate odds ratio and confidence interval.

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 0 0 10 2.7 10 2.7

Exceeded expectations 0 0 50 13.6 50 13.6

Equal to expectations 1 100 162 44.0 163 44.2

Below expectations 0 0 114 31.0 114 30.9

Far below expectations 0 0 29 7.9 29 7.9

No Response 0 0 3 0.8 3 0.8

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Waterfowl

Too few non-residents to estimate odds ratio and confidence interval.

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 0 0 8 2.2 8 2.2

Exceeded expectations 0 0 28 7.6 28 7.6

Equal to expectations 1 100 148 40.2 149 40.4

Below expectations 0 0 125 34.0 125 33.9

Far below expectations 0 0 56 15.2 56 15.2

No Response 0 0 3 0.8 3 0.8

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Calling in Waterfowl

Too few non-residents to estimate odds ratio and confidence interval.

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 0 0 12 3.3 12 3.3

Exceeded expectations 0 0 55 14.9 55 14.9

Equal to expectations 1 100 202 54.9 203 55.0

Below expectations 0 0 78 21.2 78 21.1

Far below expectations 0 0 17 4.6 17 4.6

No Response 0 0 4 1.1 4 1.1

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Having Waterfowl Come into My Decoy(s)

Too few non-residents to estimate odds ratio and confidence interval.

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 0 0 14 3.8 14 3.8

Exceeded expectations 0 0 70 19.0 70 19.0

Equal to expectations 1 100 165 44.8 166 45.0

Below expectations 0 0 94 25.5 94 25.5

Far below expectations 0 0 21 5.7 21 5.7

No Response 0 0 4 1.1 4 1.1

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions Waterfowl

Too few non-residents to estimate odds ratio and confidence interval.

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 0 0 11 3.0 11 3.0

Exceeded expectations 0 0 48 13.0 48 13.0

Equal to expectations 1 100 222 60.3 223 60.4

Below expectations 0 0 58 15.8 58 15.7

Far below expectations 0 0 25 6.8 25 6.8

No Response 0 0 4 1.1 4 1.1

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Not Seeing Other Hunters Waterfowl

Too few non-residents to estimate odds ratio and confidence interval.

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 0 0 19 5.2 19 5.1

Exceeded expectations 0 0 74 20.1 74 20.1

Equal to expectations 0 0 205 55.7 205 55.6

Below expectations 1 100 45 12.2 46 12.5

Far below expectations 0 0 22 6.0 22 6.0

No Response 0 0 3 0.8 3 0.8

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters Waterfowl

Too few non-residents to estimate odds ratio and confidence interval.

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 0 0 32 8.7 32 8.7

Exceeded expectations 0 0 68 18.5 68 18.4

Equal to expectations 0 0 196 53.3 196 53.1

Below expectations 1 100 50 13.6 51 13.8

Far below expectations 0 0 18 4.9 18 4.9

No Response 0 0 4 1.1 4 1.1

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Access to Private Land for Hunting Waterfowl

Too few non-residents to estimate odds ratio and confidence interval.

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 0 0 36 9.8 36 9.8

Exceeded expectations 0 0 60 16.3 60 16.3

Equal to expectations 0 0 196 53.3 196 53.1

Below expectations 0 0 56 15.2 56 15.2

Far below expectations 1 100 17 4.6 18 4.9

No Response 0 0 3 0.8 3 0.8

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Access to Public Land for Hunting Waterfowl

Too few non-residents to estimate odds ratio and confidence interval.

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 0 0 9 2.4 9 2.4

Exceeded expectations 0 0 41 11.1 41 11.1

Equal to expectations 0 0 231 62.8 231 62.6

Below expectations 0 0 56 15.2 56 15.2

Far below expectations 1 100 27 7.3 28 7.6

No Response 0 0 4 1.1 4 1.1

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Hunting with Other People in My Party Waterfowl

Too few non-residents to estimate odds ratio and confidence interval.

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 0 0 40 10.9 40 10.8

Exceeded expectations 0 0 77 20.9 77 20.9

Equal to expectations 1 100 220 59.8 221 59.9

Below expectations 0 0 21 5.7 21 5.7

Far below expectations 0 0 6 1.6 6 1.6

No Response 0 0 4 1.1 4 1.1

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Using a Dog to Hunt Waterfowl

Too few non-residents to estimate odds ratio and confidence interval.

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 0 0 36 9.8 36 9.8

Exceeded expectations 0 0 60 16.3 60 16.3

Equal to expectations 1 100 211 57.3 212 57.5

Below expectations 0 0 36 9.8 36 9.8

Far below expectations 0 0 21 5.7 21 5.7

No Response 0 0 4 1.1 4 1.1

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Performance of Upland Game Hunting Attributes

Seeing Game Birds Upland

\(\chi^2\) = 3.23, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.62 (0.36 - 1.05), p-value = 0.07

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 1 1.5 4 2.5 5 2.2

Exceeded expectations 9 13.6 11 6.7 20 8.7

Equal to expectations 23 34.8 44 27.0 67 29.3

Below expectations 22 33.3 67 41.1 89 38.9

Far below expectations 11 16.7 35 21.5 46 20.1

No Response 0 0.0 2 1.2 2 0.9

Total 66 100.0 163 100.0 229 100.0

Opportunities to Shoot Game Birds Upland

\(\chi^2\) = 0.4, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.84 (0.49 - 1.44), p-value = 0.52

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 1 1.5 1 0.6 2 0.9

Exceeded expectations 9 13.6 10 6.1 19 8.3

Equal to expectations 20 30.3 53 32.5 73 31.9

Below expectations 20 30.3 70 42.9 90 39.3

Far below expectations 15 22.7 28 17.2 43 18.8

No Response 1 1.5 1 0.6 2 0.9

Total 66 100.0 163 100.0 229 100.0

Harvesting Game Birds Upland

\(\chi^2\) = 0.24, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.87 (0.51 - 1.5), p-value = 0.62

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 1 1.5 1 0.6 2 0.9

Exceeded expectations 6 9.1 6 3.7 12 5.2

Equal to expectations 21 31.8 53 32.5 74 32.3

Below expectations 23 34.8 72 44.2 95 41.5

Far below expectations 15 22.7 30 18.4 45 19.7

No Response 0 0.0 1 0.6 1 0.4

Total 66 100.0 163 100.0 229 100.0

Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Game Birds Upland

\(\chi^2\) = 0.79, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.78 (26.1 - 1416.71), p-value = 0.37

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 0 0.0 1 0.6 1 0.4

Exceeded expectations 5 7.6 4 2.5 9 3.9

Equal to expectations 23 34.8 46 28.2 69 30.1

Below expectations 15 22.7 58 35.6 73 31.9

Far below expectations 23 34.8 53 32.5 76 33.2

No Response 0 0.0 1 0.6 1 0.4

Total 66 100.0 163 100.0 229 100.0

Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions Upland

\(\chi^2\) = 1.12, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.68 (0.34 - 1.39), p-value = 0.29

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 1 1.5 3 1.8 4 1.7

Exceeded expectations 8 12.1 11 6.7 19 8.3

Equal to expectations 50 75.8 130 79.8 180 78.6

Below expectations 5 7.6 13 8.0 18 7.9

Far below expectations 1 1.5 5 3.1 6 2.6

No Response 1 1.5 1 0.6 2 0.9

Total 66 100.0 163 100.0 229 100.0

Not Seeing Other Hunters Upland

\(\chi^2\) = 3.96, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.56 (0.32 - 0.99), p-value = 0.05

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 5 7.6 9 5.5 14 6.1

Exceeded expectations 11 16.7 23 14.1 34 14.8

Equal to expectations 45 68.2 95 58.3 140 61.1

Below expectations 5 7.6 26 16.0 31 13.5

Far below expectations 0 0.0 8 4.9 8 3.5

No Response 0 0.0 2 1.2 2 0.9

Total 66 100.0 163 100.0 229 100.0

Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters Upland

\(\chi^2\) = 2.26, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.66 (0.38 - 1.14), p-value = 0.13

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 6 9.1 12 7.4 18 7.9

Exceeded expectations 14 21.2 30 18.4 44 19.2

Equal to expectations 41 62.1 90 55.2 131 57.2

Below expectations 4 6.1 19 11.7 23 10.0

Far below expectations 1 1.5 10 6.1 11 4.8

No Response 0 0.0 2 1.2 2 0.9

Total 66 100.0 163 100.0 229 100.0

Access to Private Land for Hunting Upland

\(\chi^2\) = 6.42, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.5 (0.29 - 0.86), p-value = 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 6 9.1 10 6.1 16 7.0

Exceeded expectations 8 12.1 16 9.8 24 10.5

Equal to expectations 40 60.6 76 46.6 116 50.7

Below expectations 11 16.7 40 24.5 51 22.3

Far below expectations 1 1.5 18 11.0 19 8.3

No Response 0 0.0 3 1.8 3 1.3

Total 66 100.0 163 100.0 229 100.0

Access to Public Land for Hunting Upland

\(\chi^2\) = 7.16, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.44 (0.24 - 0.81), p-value < 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 4 6.1 3 1.8 7 3.1

Exceeded expectations 14 21.2 18 11.0 32 14.0

Equal to expectations 40 60.6 107 65.6 147 64.2

Below expectations 2 3.0 19 11.7 21 9.2

Far below expectations 5 7.6 12 7.4 17 7.4

No Response 1 1.5 4 2.5 5 2.2

Total 66 100.0 163 100.0 229 100.0

Hunting with Other People in my Party Upland

\(\chi^2\) = 2.85, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.61 (0.34 - 1.08), p-value = 0.09

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 8 12.1 9 5.5 17 7.4

Exceeded expectations 14 21.2 31 19.0 45 19.7

Equal to expectations 40 60.6 102 62.6 142 62.0

Below expectations 2 3.0 13 8.0 15 6.6

Far below expectations 2 3.0 5 3.1 7 3.1

No Response 0 0.0 3 1.8 3 1.3

Total 66 100.0 163 100.0 229 100.0

Using a Dog to Hunt Upland

\(\chi^2\) = 5.92, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.52 (0.3 - 0.88), p-value = 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 12 18.2 26 16.0 38 16.6

Exceeded expectations 17 25.8 22 13.5 39 17.0

Equal to expectations 34 51.5 85 52.1 119 52.0

Below expectations 0 0.0 10 6.1 10 4.4

Far below expectations 3 4.5 19 11.7 22 9.6

No Response 0 0.0 1 0.6 1 0.4

Total 66 100.0 163 100.0 229 100.0

Performance of Spring Turkey Hunting Attributes

Seeing Turkeys Spring Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 27.38, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.47 (0.36 - 0.63), p-value < 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 36 11.4 8 2.3 44 6.7

Exceeded expectations 51 16.2 48 13.9 99 15.0

Equal to expectations 115 36.5 107 31.0 222 33.6

Below expectations 85 27.0 124 35.9 209 31.7

Far below expectations 26 8.3 57 16.5 83 12.6

No Response 2 0.6 1 0.3 3 0.5

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Opportunities to Shoot Turkey Spring Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 20.21, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.53 (0.4 - 0.7), p-value < 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 29 9.2 9 2.6 38 5.8

Exceeded expectations 50 15.9 39 11.3 89 13.5

Equal to expectations 117 37.1 109 31.6 226 34.2

Below expectations 83 26.3 140 40.6 223 33.8

Far below expectations 35 11.1 47 13.6 82 12.4

No Response 1 0.3 1 0.3 2 0.3

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Harvesting a Tom Spring Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 18.84, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.54 (0.41 - 0.71), p-value < 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 25 7.9 11 3.2 36 5.5

Exceeded expectations 55 17.5 32 9.3 87 13.2

Equal to expectations 111 35.2 120 34.8 231 35.0

Below expectations 74 23.5 106 30.7 180 27.3

Far below expectations 48 15.2 75 21.7 123 18.6

No Response 2 0.6 1 0.3 3 0.5

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Harvesting a Jake Spring Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 0.17, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.94 (0.71 - 1.25), p-value = 0.68

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 12 3.8 7 2.0 19 2.9

Exceeded expectations 19 6.0 18 5.2 37 5.6

Equal to expectations 123 39.0 136 39.4 259 39.2

Below expectations 59 18.7 94 27.2 153 23.2

Far below expectations 89 28.3 86 24.9 175 26.5

No Response 13 4.1 4 1.2 17 2.6

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Harvesting a Bearded hen Spring Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 0.02, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.98 (0.74 - 1.31), p-value = 0.9

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 3 1.0 4 1.2 7 1.1

Exceeded expectations 7 2.2 7 2.0 14 2.1

Equal to expectations 128 40.6 131 38.0 259 39.2

Below expectations 54 17.1 87 25.2 141 21.4

Far below expectations 110 34.9 112 32.5 222 33.6

No Response 13 4.1 4 1.2 17 2.6

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Harvesting a Trophy Turkey Spring Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 9.04, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.65 (0.49 - 0.86), p-value < 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 21 6.7 8 2.3 29 4.4

Exceeded expectations 38 12.1 21 6.1 59 8.9

Equal to expectations 116 36.8 141 40.9 257 38.9

Below expectations 68 21.6 82 23.8 150 22.7

Far below expectations 64 20.3 90 26.1 154 23.3

No Response 8 2.5 3 0.9 11 1.7

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Hearing Gobbling Spring Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 11.79, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.62 (0.47 - 0.81), p-value < 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 33 10.5 24 7.0 57 8.6

Exceeded expectations 74 23.5 56 16.2 130 19.7

Equal to expectations 107 34.0 117 33.9 224 33.9

Below expectations 73 23.2 107 31.0 180 27.3

Far below expectations 27 8.6 41 11.9 68 10.3

No Response 1 0.3 0 0.0 1 0.2

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Calling in Turkeys Spring Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 8.74, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.66 (0.5 - 0.87), p-value < 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 33 10.5 24 7.0 57 8.6

Exceeded expectations 61 19.4 38 11.0 99 15.0

Equal to expectations 93 29.5 119 34.5 212 32.1

Below expectations 92 29.2 120 34.8 212 32.1

Far below expectations 31 9.8 43 12.5 74 11.2

No Response 5 1.6 1 0.3 6 0.9

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s) Spring Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 3.45, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.77 (0.58 - 1.01), p-value = 0.06

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 25 7.9 20 5.8 45 6.8

Exceeded expectations 49 15.6 33 9.6 82 12.4

Equal to expectations 91 28.9 108 31.3 199 30.2

Below expectations 96 30.5 124 35.9 220 33.3

Far below expectations 51 16.2 58 16.8 109 16.5

No Response 3 1.0 2 0.6 5 0.8

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions Spring Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 0.62, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.89 (0.65 - 1.2), p-value = 0.43

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 23 7.3 19 5.5 42 6.4

Exceeded expectations 65 20.6 52 15.1 117 17.7

Equal to expectations 170 54.0 230 66.7 400 60.6

Below expectations 37 11.7 28 8.1 65 9.8

Far below expectations 17 5.4 16 4.6 33 5.0

No Response 3 1.0 0 0.0 3 0.5

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Not Seeing Other Hunters Spring Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 1.58, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.83 (0.62 - 1.11), p-value = 0.21

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 34 10.8 37 10.7 71 10.8

Exceeded expectations 86 27.3 59 17.1 145 22.0

Equal to expectations 134 42.5 199 57.7 333 50.5

Below expectations 41 13.0 28 8.1 69 10.5

Far below expectations 16 5.1 20 5.8 36 5.5

No Response 4 1.3 2 0.6 6 0.9

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters Spring Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 1.97, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.81 (0.61 - 1.09), p-value = 0.16

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 42 13.3 42 12.2 84 12.7

Exceeded expectations 86 27.3 62 18.0 148 22.4

Equal to expectations 135 42.9 201 58.3 336 50.9

Below expectations 36 11.4 22 6.4 58 8.8

Far below expectations 14 4.4 18 5.2 32 4.8

No Response 2 0.6 0 0.0 2 0.3

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Access to Private Land for Hunting Spring Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 2.23, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.8 (0.6 - 1.07), p-value = 0.14

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 50 15.9 43 12.5 93 14.1

Exceeded expectations 73 23.2 53 15.4 126 19.1

Equal to expectations 132 41.9 202 58.6 334 50.6

Below expectations 30 9.5 26 7.5 56 8.5

Far below expectations 26 8.3 20 5.8 46 7.0

No Response 4 1.3 1 0.3 5 0.8

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Access to Public Land for Hunting Spring Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 16.35, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.53 (0.39 - 0.73), p-value < 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 30 9.5 18 5.2 48 7.3

Exceeded expectations 65 20.6 31 9.0 96 14.5

Equal to expectations 163 51.7 220 63.8 383 58.0

Below expectations 20 6.3 43 12.5 63 9.5

Far below expectations 31 9.8 30 8.7 61 9.2

No Response 6 1.9 3 0.9 9 1.4

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Hunting with Other People in My Party Spring Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 11.71, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.59 (0.43 - 0.8), p-value < 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 51 16.2 32 9.3 83 12.6

Exceeded expectations 77 24.4 59 17.1 136 20.6

Equal to expectations 158 50.2 224 64.9 382 57.9

Below expectations 10 3.2 15 4.3 25 3.8

Far below expectations 13 4.1 9 2.6 22 3.3

No Response 6 1.9 6 1.7 12 1.8

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Performance of Fall Turkey Hunting Attributes

Seeing Turkeys Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 7.11, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.49 (0.28 - 0.83), p-value < 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 6 10.7 17 5.4 23 6.2

Exceeded expectations 12 21.4 33 10.4 45 12.1

Equal to expectations 21 37.5 119 37.7 140 37.6

Below expectations 10 17.9 99 31.3 109 29.3

Far below expectations 7 12.5 46 14.6 53 14.2

No Response 0 0.0 2 0.6 2 0.5

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Opportunities to Shoot Turkey Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 8.3, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.46 (0.27 - 0.78), p-value < 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 5 8.9 15 4.7 20 5.4

Exceeded expectations 12 21.4 32 10.1 44 11.8

Equal to expectations 21 37.5 105 33.2 126 33.9

Below expectations 10 17.9 103 32.6 113 30.4

Far below expectations 8 14.3 59 18.7 67 18.0

No Response 0 0.0 2 0.6 2 0.5

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Harvesting a Tom Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 6.68, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.49 (0.29 - 0.85), p-value < 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 2 3.6 8 2.5 10 2.7

Exceeded expectations 6 10.7 17 5.4 23 6.2

Equal to expectations 25 44.6 107 33.9 132 35.5

Below expectations 12 21.4 100 31.6 112 30.1

Far below expectations 9 16.1 81 25.6 90 24.2

No Response 2 3.6 3 0.9 5 1.3

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Harvesting a Jake Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 3.21, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.62 (0.36 - 1.05), p-value = 0.07

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 2 3.6 2 0.6 4 1.1

Exceeded expectations 4 7.1 18 5.7 22 5.9

Equal to expectations 25 44.6 113 35.8 138 37.1

Below expectations 14 25.0 93 29.4 107 28.8

Far below expectations 11 19.6 82 25.9 93 25.0

No Response 0 0.0 8 2.5 8 2.2

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Harvesting a Bearded Hen Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 4.67, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.56 (0.33 - 0.95), p-value = 0.03

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 3 5.4 2 0.6 5 1.3

Exceeded expectations 1 1.8 7 2.2 8 2.2

Equal to expectations 24 42.9 111 35.1 135 36.3

Below expectations 16 28.6 89 28.2 105 28.2

Far below expectations 11 19.6 100 31.6 111 29.8

No Response 1 1.8 7 2.2 8 2.2

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Harvesting a Trophy Turkey Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 3.05, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.62 (0.36 - 1.06), p-value = 0.08

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 2 3.6 4 1.3 6 1.6

Exceeded expectations 4 7.1 6 1.9 10 2.7

Equal to expectations 22 39.3 123 38.9 145 39.0

Below expectations 15 26.8 84 26.6 99 26.6

Far below expectations 12 21.4 95 30.1 107 28.8

No Response 1 1.8 4 1.3 5 1.3

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Hearing Gobbling Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 3.59, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.59 (0.34 - 1.02), p-value = 0.06

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 3 5.4 12 3.8 15 4.0

Exceeded expectations 7 12.5 27 8.5 34 9.1

Equal to expectations 31 55.4 132 41.8 163 43.8

Below expectations 4 7.1 93 29.4 97 26.1

Far below expectations 11 19.6 49 15.5 60 16.1

No Response 0 0.0 3 0.9 3 0.8

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Breaking up Turkey Flocks Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 4.31, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.56 (0.32 - 0.97), p-value = 0.04

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 2 3.6 7 2.2 9 2.4

Exceeded expectations 11 19.6 22 7.0 33 8.9

Equal to expectations 22 39.3 132 41.8 154 41.4

Below expectations 10 17.9 88 27.8 98 26.3

Far below expectations 10 17.9 59 18.7 69 18.5

No Response 1 1.8 8 2.5 9 2.4

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Calling in Turkeys Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 0.13, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.91 (0.53 - 1.54), p-value = 0.72

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 1 1.8 6 1.9 7 1.9

Exceeded expectations 3 5.4 11 3.5 14 3.8

Equal to expectations 24 42.9 137 43.4 161 43.3

Below expectations 12 21.4 64 20.3 76 20.4

Far below expectations 15 26.8 92 29.1 107 28.8

No Response 1 1.8 6 1.9 7 1.9

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s) Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 1.01, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.76 (0.45 - 1.3), p-value = 0.31

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 2 3.6 7 2.2 9 2.4

Exceeded expectations 2 3.6 15 4.7 17 4.6

Equal to expectations 27 48.2 125 39.6 152 40.9

Below expectations 12 21.4 85 26.9 97 26.1

Far below expectations 12 21.4 78 24.7 90 24.2

No Response 1 1.8 6 1.9 7 1.9

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 2.69, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.62 (0.35 - 1.1), p-value = 0.1

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 5 8.9 11 3.5 16 4.3

Exceeded expectations 11 19.6 45 14.2 56 15.1

Equal to expectations 31 55.4 197 62.3 228 61.3

Below expectations 6 10.7 30 9.5 36 9.7

Far below expectations 3 5.4 28 8.9 31 8.3

No Response 0 0.0 5 1.6 5 1.3

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Not Seeing Other Hunters Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 9.3, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.43 (0.25 - 0.74), p-value < 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 12 21.4 30 9.5 42 11.3

Exceeded expectations 16 28.6 58 18.4 74 19.9

Equal to expectations 21 37.5 169 53.5 190 51.1

Below expectations 6 10.7 33 10.4 39 10.5

Far below expectations 1 1.8 21 6.6 22 5.9

No Response 0 0.0 5 1.6 5 1.3

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 9.13, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.43 (0.25 - 0.74), p-value < 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 15 26.8 34 10.8 49 13.2

Exceeded expectations 13 23.2 63 19.9 76 20.4

Equal to expectations 21 37.5 169 53.5 190 51.1

Below expectations 4 7.1 25 7.9 29 7.8

Far below expectations 2 3.6 22 7.0 24 6.5

No Response 1 1.8 3 0.9 4 1.1

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Access to Private Land for Hunting Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 1.72, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.7 (0.4 - 1.2), p-value = 0.19

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 13 23.2 41 13.0 54 14.5

Exceeded expectations 8 14.3 56 17.7 64 17.2

Equal to expectations 28 50.0 166 52.5 194 52.2

Below expectations 4 7.1 27 8.5 31 8.3

Far below expectations 3 5.4 22 7.0 25 6.7

No Response 0 0.0 4 1.3 4 1.1

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Access to Public Land for Hunting Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 4.76, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.53 (0.3 - 0.94), p-value = 0.03

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 7 12.5 13 4.1 20 5.4

Exceeded expectations 9 16.1 38 12.0 47 12.6

Equal to expectations 30 53.6 188 59.5 218 58.6

Below expectations 4 7.1 31 9.8 35 9.4

Far below expectations 5 8.9 39 12.3 44 11.8

No Response 1 1.8 7 2.2 8 2.2

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Hunting with Other People in My Party Fall Turkey

\(\chi^2\) = 5.17, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.52 (0.3 - 0.91), p-value = 0.02

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 12 21.4 28 8.9 40 10.8

Exceeded expectations 7 12.5 44 13.9 51 13.7

Equal to expectations 32 57.1 182 57.6 214 57.5

Below expectations 2 3.6 29 9.2 31 8.3

Far below expectations 3 5.4 24 7.6 27 7.3

No Response 0 0.0 9 2.8 9 2.4

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Performance of Small Game Hunting Attributes

Seeing Game Animals Small Game

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 1 100 0 0 1 16.7

Equal to expectations 0 0 4 80 4 66.7

Below expectations 0 0 1 20 1 16.7

Total 1 100 5 100 6 100.0

Opportunities to Shoot Game Animals Small Game

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 1 100 0 0 1 16.7

Equal to expectations 0 0 4 80 4 66.7

Below expectations 0 0 1 20 1 16.7

Total 1 100 5 100 6 100.0

Harvesting Game Animals Small Game

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 1 100 0 0 1 16.7

Equal to expectations 0 0 3 60 3 50.0

Below expectations 0 0 2 40 2 33.3

Total 1 100 5 100 6 100.0

Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Game Animals Small Game

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 1 100 0 0 1 16.7

Equal to expectations 0 0 3 60 3 50.0

Below expectations 0 0 1 20 1 16.7

Far below expectations 0 0 1 20 1 16.7

Total 1 100 5 100 6 100.0

Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions Small Game

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 1 100 0 0 1 16.7

Equal to expectations 0 0 3 60 3 50.0

Below expectations 0 0 1 20 1 16.7

Far below expectations 0 0 1 20 1 16.7

Total 1 100 5 100 6 100.0

Not Seeing Other Hunters Small Game

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 1 100 0 0 1 16.7

Exceeded expectations 0 0 1 20 1 16.7

Equal to expectations 0 0 4 80 4 66.7

Total 1 100 5 100 6 100.0

Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters Small Game

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 1 100 1 20 2 33.3

Equal to expectations 0 0 4 80 4 66.7

Total 1 100 5 100 6 100.0

Access to Private Land for Hunting Small Game

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 1 100 1 20 2 33.3

Equal to expectations 0 0 3 60 3 50.0

Far below expectations 0 0 1 20 1 16.7

Total 1 100 5 100 6 100.0

Access to Public Land for Hunting Small Game

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 1 100 0 0 1 16.7

Equal to expectations 0 0 4 80 4 66.7

Below expectations 0 0 1 20 1 16.7

Total 1 100 5 100 6 100.0

Hunting with Other People in My Party Small Game

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 1 100 0 0 1 16.7

Exceeded expectations 0 0 1 20 1 16.7

Equal to expectations 0 0 3 60 3 50.0

Far below expectations 0 0 1 20 1 16.7

Total 1 100 5 100 6 100.0

Using a Dog to Hunt Small Game

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Far exceeded expectations 0 0 0 0 1 16.7

Equal to expectations 0 0 2 40 2 33.3

Far below expectations 0 0 2 40 2 33.3

No Response 0 0 1 20 1 16.7

Total 5 500 1 20 6 100.0

Overall Satisfaction

Overall, how satisfied were you with your XXXX hunting experience in XXXX?

Percentage of hunter response for each satisfaction survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of hunter response for each satisfaction survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Overall Satisfaction by District

Percentage of hunter response in the NORTHWEST district for each satisfaction survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of hunter response in the NORTHWEST district for each satisfaction survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of hunter response in the SOUTHWEST district for each satisfaction survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of hunter response in the SOUTHWEST district for each satisfaction survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of hunter response in the NORTHEAST district for each satisfaction survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of hunter response in the NORTHEAST district for each satisfaction survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of hunter response in the SOUTHEAST district for each satisfaction survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of hunter response in the SOUTHEAST district for each satisfaction survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Overall Satisfaction of Deer Hunters

Overall, how satisfied were you with your Deer hunting experience in 2022?

\(\chi^2\) = 6.54, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.63 (0.44 - 0.9), p-value = 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Very satisfied 54 39.1 100 25.4 154 28.9

Somewhat satisfied 39 28.3 126 32.0 165 31.0

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 12 8.7 65 16.5 77 14.5

Somewhat dissatisfied 18 13.0 60 15.2 78 14.7

Very dissatisfied 14 10.1 41 10.4 55 10.3

No Response 1 0.7 2 0.5 3 0.6

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0
Probability of response for satisfaction with the overall deer hunting experience by self-reported frequency of participating in deer hunting. Error bars represent 95\% confidence intervals. Chi-square: 0.22, Odds Ratio (95\% CI): 0.82 (0.37-1.85), p-value: = 0.64

Probability of response for satisfaction with the overall deer hunting experience by self-reported frequency of participating in deer hunting. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Chi-square: 0.22, Odds Ratio (95% CI): 0.82 (0.37-1.85), p-value: = 0.64

Satisfaction with Number of Birds Allowed in Bag Limit by Waterfowl Hunters

The number of birds allowed in the daily bag limit

\(\chi^2\) = 4.25, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 37.19 (1.79 - 773.99), p-value = 0.04

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Very satisfied 0 0 133 36.1 133 36.0

Somewhat satisfied 0 0 102 27.7 102 27.6

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 0 0 112 30.4 112 30.4

Somewhat dissatisfied 1 100 15 4.1 16 4.3

Very dissatisfied 0 0 5 1.4 5 1.4

No Response 0 0 1 0.3 1 0.3

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0
Probability of response for satisfaction with the number of birds allowed in the daily bag limit by self-reported frequency of participating in waterfowl hunting. Error bars represent 95\% confidence intervals. Chi-square: 1.33, Odds Ratio (95\% CI): 1.86 (0.65-5.33), p-value: = 0.25

Probability of response for satisfaction with the number of birds allowed in the daily bag limit by self-reported frequency of participating in waterfowl hunting. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Chi-square: 1.33, Odds Ratio (95% CI): 1.86 (0.65-5.33), p-value: = 0.25

Satisfaction with Number of Days in the Season by Waterfowl Hunters

The number of days in the season daily bag limit

\(\chi^2\) = 4.05, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 2.2858898^{9} (NA - NA), p-value = 0.04

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Very satisfied 0 0 59 16.0 59 16.0

Somewhat satisfied 0 0 86 23.4 86 23.3

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 0 0 84 22.8 84 22.8

Somewhat dissatisfied 0 0 90 24.5 90 24.4

Very dissatisfied 1 100 48 13.0 49 13.3

No Response 0 0 1 0.3 1 0.3

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0
Probability of response for satisfaction with the number of days in the season by self-reported frequency of participating in waterfowl hunting. Error bars represent 95\% confidence intervals. Chi-square: 0.83, Odds Ratio (95\% CI): 0.62 (0.22-1.76), p-value: = 0.36

Probability of response for satisfaction with the number of days in the season by self-reported frequency of participating in waterfowl hunting. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Chi-square: 0.83, Odds Ratio (95% CI): 0.62 (0.22-1.76), p-value: = 0.36

Satisfaction with Quality of Habitat by Waterfowl Hunters

Quality of habitat where you hunted

\(\chi^2\) = 3.19, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0 (NA - NA), p-value = 0.07

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Very satisfied 1 100 74 20.1 75 20.3

Somewhat satisfied 0 0 105 28.5 105 28.5

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 0 0 104 28.3 104 28.2

Somewhat dissatisfied 0 0 57 15.5 57 15.4

Very dissatisfied 0 0 26 7.1 26 7.0

No Response 0 0 2 0.5 2 0.5

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0
Probability of response for satisfaction with the quality of habitat by self-reported frequency of participating in waterfowl hunting. Error bars represent 95\% confidence intervals. Chi-square: 0.03, Odds Ratio (95\% CI): 0.91 (0.31-2.61), p-value: = 0.86

Probability of response for satisfaction with the quality of habitat by self-reported frequency of participating in waterfowl hunting. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Chi-square: 0.03, Odds Ratio (95% CI): 0.91 (0.31-2.61), p-value: = 0.86

Satisfaction with Number of Public Places to Hunt by Waterfowl Hunters

The number of public places available to hunt

\(\chi^2\) = 3.41, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 1.5582563^{9} (NA - NA), p-value = 0.06

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Very satisfied 0 0 20 5.4 20 5.4

Somewhat satisfied 0 0 56 15.2 56 15.2

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 0 0 156 42.4 156 42.3

Somewhat dissatisfied 0 0 67 18.2 67 18.2

Very dissatisfied 1 100 66 17.9 67 18.2

No Response 0 0 3 0.8 3 0.8

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0
Probability of response for satisfaction with the number of public places to hunt by self-reported frequency of participating in waterfowl hunting. Error bars represent 95\% confidence intervals. Chi-square: 0.12, Odds Ratio (95\% CI): 0.83 (0.29-2.39), p-value: = 0.73

Probability of response for satisfaction with the number of public places to hunt by self-reported frequency of participating in waterfowl hunting. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Chi-square: 0.12, Odds Ratio (95% CI): 0.83 (0.29-2.39), p-value: = 0.73

Overall Satisfaction of Waterfowl Hunters

Overall, how satisfied were you with your Waterfowl hunting experience in the 2022 - 2023 season?

\(\chi^2\) = 2.01, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 10.65 (0.47 - 240.92), p-value = 0.16

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Very satisfied 0 0 42 11.4 42 11.4

Somewhat satisfied 0 0 148 40.2 148 40.1

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 0 0 103 28.0 103 27.9

Somewhat dissatisfied 1 100 59 16.0 60 16.3

Very dissatisfied 0 0 13 3.5 13 3.5

No Response 0 0 3 0.8 3 0.8

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0
Probability of response for satisfaction with the overall waterfowl hunting experience by self-reported frequency of participating in deer hunting. Error bars represent 95\% confidence intervals. Chi-square: 0.00, Odds Ratio (95\% CI): 1.02 (0.36-2.92), p-value: = 0.97

Probability of response for satisfaction with the overall waterfowl hunting experience by self-reported frequency of participating in deer hunting. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Chi-square: 0.00, Odds Ratio (95% CI): 1.02 (0.36-2.92), p-value: = 0.97

Overall Satisfaction of Upland Game Hunters

Overall, how satisfied were you with your Upland Game hunting experience in the 2022 - 2023 season?

\(\chi^2\) = 14.04, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.36 (0.21 - 0.62), p-value < 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Very satisfied 17 25.8 12 7.4 29 12.7

Somewhat satisfied 20 30.3 32 19.6 52 22.7

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 8 12.1 45 27.6 53 23.1

Somewhat dissatisfied 14 21.2 40 24.5 54 23.6

Very dissatisfied 7 10.6 32 19.6 39 17.0

No Response 0 0.0 2 1.2 2 0.9

Total 66 100.0 163 100.0 229 100.0
Probability of response for satisfaction with the overall upland game hunting experience by self-reported frequency of participating in upland game hunting. Error bars represent 95\% confidence intervals. Chi-square: 1.67, Odds Ratio (95\% CI): 0.53 (0.20-1.40), p-value: = 0.20

Probability of response for satisfaction with the overall upland game hunting experience by self-reported frequency of participating in upland game hunting. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Chi-square: 1.67, Odds Ratio (95% CI): 0.53 (0.20-1.40), p-value: = 0.20

Overall Satisfaction of Spring Turkey Hunters

Overall, how satisfied were you with your Spring Turkey hunting experience in 2023?

\(\chi^2\) = 18.48, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.54 (0.41 - 0.72), p-value < 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Very satisfied 132 41.9 84 24.3 216 32.7

Somewhat satisfied 78 24.8 100 29.0 178 27.0

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 30 9.5 52 15.1 82 12.4

Somewhat dissatisfied 41 13.0 72 20.9 113 17.1

Very dissatisfied 31 9.8 35 10.1 66 10.0

No Response 3 1.0 2 0.6 5 0.8

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0
Probability of response for satisfaction with the overall spring turkey hunting experience by self-reported frequency of participating in turkey hunting. Error bars represent 95\% confidence intervals. Chi-square: 3.16, Odds Ratio (95\% CI): 0.66 (0.42-1.04), p-value: = 0.06

Probability of response for satisfaction with the overall spring turkey hunting experience by self-reported frequency of participating in turkey hunting. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Chi-square: 3.16, Odds Ratio (95% CI): 0.66 (0.42-1.04), p-value: = 0.06

Overall Satisfaction of Fall Turkey Hunters

Overall, how satisfied were you with your Fall Turkey hunting experience in 2022?

\(\chi^2\) = 11.56, Odds Ratio (95% CI) = 0.39 (0.23 - 0.68), p-value < 0.01

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Very satisfied 27 48.2 73 23.1 100 26.9

Somewhat satisfied 12 21.4 82 25.9 94 25.3

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 5 8.9 65 20.6 70 18.8

Somewhat dissatisfied 9 16.1 64 20.3 73 19.6

Very dissatisfied 3 5.4 29 9.2 32 8.6

No Response 0 0.0 3 0.9 3 0.8

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0
Probability of response for satisfaction with the overall fall turkey hunting experience by self-reported frequency of participating in turkey hunting. Error bars represent 95\% confidence intervals. Chi-square: 0.25, Odds Ratio (95\% CI): 1.21 (0.57-2.56), p-value = 0.61

Probability of response for satisfaction with the overall fall turkey hunting experience by self-reported frequency of participating in turkey hunting. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Chi-square: 0.25, Odds Ratio (95% CI): 1.21 (0.57-2.56), p-value = 0.61

Overall Satisfaction of Small Game Hunters

Overall, how satisfied were you with your Upland Game hunting experience in the 2021 - 2022 season?

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Very satisfied 1 100 0 0 1 16.7

Somewhat satisfied 0 0 2 40 2 33.3

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 0 0 2 40 2 33.3

Very dissatisfied 0 0 1 20 1 16.7

Total 1 100 5 100 6 100.0

Importance Grid Analyses (IGA)

Importance Grid Analysis (IGA) compares explicit rating to implicit importance ratings derived by multiple regression of overall satisfaction on attribute performance ratings (Matzler and Sauerwein 2002, Matzler et al. 2003). Originally employed by Vavra (1997), IGA was used to describe attributes as either excitement, performance, or basic typologies. However, the value of IGA for classifying attributes has since been discounted, and IGA is currently recognized for the ability to distinguish between explicit and implicit importance of attributes (Smith and Deppa 2009, Mikulić and Prebežac 2011). Explicit importance reflects a rational assessment of how one expects an attribute to impact satisfaction, while implicit importance reflects the experiential-based impact of an attribute on satisfaction. IGA delineates differences between hunters’ “expectations of an attributes’ relevancy to a desired end” (i.e., explicit importance) compared to “experiential information gained from one’s real-time encounter” (i.e., implicit importance) (Smith and Deppa 2009, Schroeder et al. 2018).

Explicit importance is calculated by taking the mean rating of each attribute importance as measured from the questionnaire. Implicit importance is derived from multiple linear regression coefficients (performance values of each attribute as the independent variables and overall satisfaction as the dependent variable). Explicit means and implicit coefficients are then plotted, and attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction.

Deer IGA

IGA for deer hunters. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Deer, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Deer, Harvest = Harvesting Deer, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Deer, Sign = Seeing Sign of Game, Calling in Deer = Calling in Game, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

IGA for deer hunters. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Deer, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Deer, Harvest = Harvesting Deer, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Deer, Sign = Seeing Sign of Game, Calling in Deer = Calling in Game, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

Resident Deer IGA


IGA for RESIDENT deer hunters. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Deer, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Deer, Harvest = Harvesting Deer, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Deer, Sign = Seeing Sign of Game, Calling in Deer = Calling in Game, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

IGA for RESIDENT deer hunters. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Deer, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Deer, Harvest = Harvesting Deer, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Deer, Sign = Seeing Sign of Game, Calling in Deer = Calling in Game, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

Non-resident Deer IGA


IGA for NON-RESIDENT deer hunters. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Deer, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Deer, Harvest = Harvesting Deer, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Deer, Sign = Seeing Sign of Game, Calling in Deer = Calling in Game, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

IGA for NON-RESIDENT deer hunters. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Deer, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Deer, Harvest = Harvesting Deer, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Deer, Sign = Seeing Sign of Game, Calling in Deer = Calling in Game, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

Most Important Hunting Activity Deer IGA


IGA for hunters who feel deer hunting is their MOST IMPORTANT hunting activity. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Deer, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Deer, Harvest = Harvesting Deer, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Deer, Sign = Seeing Sign of Game, Calling in Deer = Calling in Game, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

IGA for hunters who feel deer hunting is their MOST IMPORTANT hunting activity. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Deer, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Deer, Harvest = Harvesting Deer, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Deer, Sign = Seeing Sign of Game, Calling in Deer = Calling in Game, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

One of Several Important Hunting Activities Deer IGA


IGA for hunters who feel deer hunting is ONE OF SEVERAL importnat hunting activities. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Deer, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Deer, Harvest = Harvesting Deer, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Deer, Sign = Seeing Sign of Game, Calling in Deer = Calling in Game, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

IGA for hunters who feel deer hunting is ONE OF SEVERAL importnat hunting activities. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Deer, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Deer, Harvest = Harvesting Deer, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Deer, Sign = Seeing Sign of Game, Calling in Deer = Calling in Game, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

Current Residence: Rural Town, Village, Farm, or Ranch Deer IGA


IGA for deer hunters residing in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Deer, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Deer, Harvest = Harvesting Deer, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Deer, Sign = Seeing Sign of Game, Calling in Deer = Calling in Game, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

IGA for deer hunters residing in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Deer, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Deer, Harvest = Harvesting Deer, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Deer, Sign = Seeing Sign of Game, Calling in Deer = Calling in Game, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

Current Residence: Urban City Center, Downtown, or Suburb Deer IGA


IGA for deer hunters residing in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Deer, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Deer, Harvest = Harvesting Deer, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Deer, Sign = Seeing Sign of Game, Calling in Deer = Calling in Game, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

IGA for deer hunters residing in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Deer, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Deer, Harvest = Harvesting Deer, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Deer, Sign = Seeing Sign of Game, Calling in Deer = Calling in Game, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

Childhood Residence: Rural Town, Village, Farm, or Ranch Deer IGA


IGA for deer hunters who grew up in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Deer, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Deer, Harvest = Harvesting Deer, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Deer, Sign = Seeing Sign of Game, Calling in Deer = Calling in Game, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

IGA for deer hunters who grew up in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Deer, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Deer, Harvest = Harvesting Deer, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Deer, Sign = Seeing Sign of Game, Calling in Deer = Calling in Game, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

Childhood Residence: Urban City Center, Downtown, or Suburb Deer IGA


IGA for deer hunters who grew up in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Deer, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Deer, Harvest = Harvesting Deer, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Deer, Sign = Seeing Sign of Game, Calling in Deer = Calling in Game, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

IGA for deer hunters who grew up in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Deer, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Deer, Harvest = Harvesting Deer, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Deer, Sign = Seeing Sign of Game, Calling in Deer = Calling in Game, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

Waterfowl IGA


IGA for waterfowl hunters. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Waterfowl, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Waterfowl, Harvest = Harvesting Waterfowl, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Waterfowl, Calling in Birds = Calling in Waterfowl, Birds come to Decoys = Having Waterfowl Come into My Decoy(s),  Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

IGA for waterfowl hunters. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Waterfowl, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Waterfowl, Harvest = Harvesting Waterfowl, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Waterfowl, Calling in Birds = Calling in Waterfowl, Birds come to Decoys = Having Waterfowl Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

Resident Waterfowl IGA


IGA for RESIDENT waterfowl hunters. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Waterfowl, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Waterfowl, Harvest = Harvesting Waterfowl, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Waterfowl, Calling in Birds = Calling in Waterfowl, Birds come to Decoys = Having Waterfowl Come into My Decoy(s),  Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

IGA for RESIDENT waterfowl hunters. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Waterfowl, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Waterfowl, Harvest = Harvesting Waterfowl, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Waterfowl, Calling in Birds = Calling in Waterfowl, Birds come to Decoys = Having Waterfowl Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt


Non-resident Waterfowl IGA

Non-resident waterfowl hunters were not targeted in the 2023 survey year. Therefore, too few non-residents responded to conduct IGA.

Most Important Hunting Activity Waterfowl IGA


IGA for hunters who feel waterfowl hunting is their MOST IMPORTANT hunting activity. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Waterfowl, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Waterfowl, Harvest = Harvesting Waterfowl, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Waterfowl, Calling in Birds = Calling in Waterfowl, Birds come to Decoys = Having Waterfowl Come into My Decoy(s),  Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

IGA for hunters who feel waterfowl hunting is their MOST IMPORTANT hunting activity. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Waterfowl, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Waterfowl, Harvest = Harvesting Waterfowl, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Waterfowl, Calling in Birds = Calling in Waterfowl, Birds come to Decoys = Having Waterfowl Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

One of Several Important Hunting Activities Waterfowl IGA


IGA for hunters who feel waterfowl hunting is ONE OF SEVERAL importnat hunting activities. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Waterfowl, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Waterfowl, Harvest = Harvesting Waterfowl, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Waterfowl, Calling in Birds = Calling in Waterfowl, Birds come to Decoys = Having Waterfowl Come into My Decoy(s),  Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

IGA for hunters who feel waterfowl hunting is ONE OF SEVERAL importnat hunting activities. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Waterfowl, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Waterfowl, Harvest = Harvesting Waterfowl, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Waterfowl, Calling in Birds = Calling in Waterfowl, Birds come to Decoys = Having Waterfowl Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

Current Residence: Rural Town, Village, Farm, or Ranch Waterfowl IGA


IGA for waterfowl hunters residing in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Waterfowl, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Waterfowl, Harvest = Harvesting Waterfowl, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Waterfowl, Calling in Birds = Calling in Waterfowl, Birds come to Decoys = Having Waterfowl Come into My Decoy(s),  Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

IGA for waterfowl hunters residing in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Waterfowl, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Waterfowl, Harvest = Harvesting Waterfowl, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Waterfowl, Calling in Birds = Calling in Waterfowl, Birds come to Decoys = Having Waterfowl Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

Current Residence: Urban City Center, Downtown, or Suburb Waterfowl IGA


IGA for waterfowl hunters residing in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Waterfowl, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Waterfowl, Harvest = Harvesting Waterfowl, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Waterfowl, Calling in Birds = Calling in Waterfowl, Birds come to Decoys = Having Waterfowl Come into My Decoy(s),  Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

IGA for waterfowl hunters residing in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Waterfowl, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Waterfowl, Harvest = Harvesting Waterfowl, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Waterfowl, Calling in Birds = Calling in Waterfowl, Birds come to Decoys = Having Waterfowl Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

Childhood Residence: Rural Town, Village, Farm, or Ranch Waterfowl IGA


IGA for waterfowl hunters who grew up in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Waterfowl, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Waterfowl, Harvest = Harvesting Waterfowl, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Waterfowl, Calling in Birds = Calling in Waterfowl, Birds come to Decoys = Having Waterfowl Come into My Decoy(s),  Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

IGA for waterfowl hunters who grew up in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Waterfowl, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Waterfowl, Harvest = Harvesting Waterfowl, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Waterfowl, Calling in Birds = Calling in Waterfowl, Birds come to Decoys = Having Waterfowl Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

Childhood Residence: Urban City Center, Downtown, or Suburb Waterfowl IGA


IGA for waterfowl hunters who grew up in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Waterfowl, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Waterfowl, Harvest = Harvesting Waterfowl, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Waterfowl, Calling in Birds = Calling in Waterfowl, Birds come to Decoys = Having Waterfowl Come into My Decoy(s),  Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

IGA for waterfowl hunters who grew up in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Waterfowl, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Waterfowl, Harvest = Harvesting Waterfowl, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Waterfowl, Calling in Birds = Calling in Waterfowl, Birds come to Decoys = Having Waterfowl Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

Upland Game IGA


IGA for upland game hunters. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Game Birds, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Game Birds, Harvest = Harvesting Game Birds, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Game Birds, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

IGA for upland game hunters. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Game Birds, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Game Birds, Harvest = Harvesting Game Birds, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Game Birds, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

Resident Upland Game IGA


IGA for RESIDENT upland game hunters. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Game Birds, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Game Birds, Harvest = Harvesting Game Birds, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Game Birds, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

IGA for RESIDENT upland game hunters. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Game Birds, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Game Birds, Harvest = Harvesting Game Birds, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Game Birds, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

Non-resident Upland Game IGA


IGA for NON-RESIDENT upland game hunters. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Game Birds, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Game Birds, Harvest = Harvesting Game Birds, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Game Birds, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

IGA for NON-RESIDENT upland game hunters. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Game Birds, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Game Birds, Harvest = Harvesting Game Birds, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Game Birds, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

Most Important Hunting Activity Upland Game IGA


IGA for hunters who feel upland game hunting is their MOST IMPORTANT hunting activity. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Game Birds, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Game Birds, Harvest = Harvesting Game Birds, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Game Birds, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

IGA for hunters who feel upland game hunting is their MOST IMPORTANT hunting activity. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Game Birds, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Game Birds, Harvest = Harvesting Game Birds, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Game Birds, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

One of Several Important Hunting Activities Upland Game IGA


IGA for hunters who feel upland game hunting is ONE OF SEVERAL importnat hunting activities. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Game Birds, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Game Birds, Harvest = Harvesting Game Birds, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Game Birds, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

IGA for hunters who feel upland game hunting is ONE OF SEVERAL importnat hunting activities. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Game Birds, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Game Birds, Harvest = Harvesting Game Birds, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Game Birds, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

Current Residence: Rural Town, Village, Farm, or Ranch Upland Game IGA


IGA for upland game hunters residing in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Game Birds, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Game Birds, Harvest = Harvesting Game Birds, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Game Birds, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

IGA for upland game hunters residing in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Game Birds, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Game Birds, Harvest = Harvesting Game Birds, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Game Birds, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

Current Residence: Urban City Center, Downtown, or Suburb Upland Game IGA


IGA for upland game hunters residing in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Game Birds, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Game Birds, Harvest = Harvesting Game Birds, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Game Birds, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

IGA for upland game hunters residing in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Game Birds, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Game Birds, Harvest = Harvesting Game Birds, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Game Birds, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

Childhood Residence: Rural Town, Village, Farm, or Ranch Upland Game IGA


IGA for upland game hunters who grew up in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Game Birds, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Game Birds, Harvest = Harvesting Game Birds, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Game Birds, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

IGA for upland game hunters who grew up in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Game Birds, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Game Birds, Harvest = Harvesting Game Birds, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Game Birds, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

Childhood Residence: Urban City Center, Downtown, or Suburb Upland Game IGA


IGA for upland game hunters who grew up in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Game Birds, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Game Birds, Harvest = Harvesting Game Birds, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Game Birds, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

IGA for upland game hunters who grew up in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Game Birds, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Game Birds, Harvest = Harvesting Game Birds, Harvest Bag = Harvesting the Daily Bag Limit of Game Birds, Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party, Dog = Using a Dog to Hunt

Spring Turkey IGA

IGA for spring turkey hunters. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

IGA for spring turkey hunters. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

Resident Spring Turkey IGA


IGA for RESIDENT spring turkey hunters. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

IGA for RESIDENT spring turkey hunters. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

Non-resident Spring Turkey IGA


IGA for NON-RESIDENT spring turkey hunters. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

IGA for NON-RESIDENT spring turkey hunters. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

Most Important Hunting Activity Spring Turkey IGA


IGA for hunters who feel spring turkey hunting is their MOST IMPORTANT hunting activity. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

IGA for hunters who feel spring turkey hunting is their MOST IMPORTANT hunting activity. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

One of Several Important Hunting Activities Spring Turkey IGA


IGA for hunters who feel spring turkey hunting is ONE OF SEVERAL importnat hunting activities. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

IGA for hunters who feel spring turkey hunting is ONE OF SEVERAL importnat hunting activities. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

Current Residence: Rural Town, Village, Farm, or Ranch Spring Turkey IGA


IGA for spring turkey hunters residing in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

IGA for spring turkey hunters residing in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

Current Residence: Urban City Center, Downtown, or Suburb Spring Turkey IGA


IGA for spring turkey hunters residing in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

IGA for spring turkey hunters residing in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

Childhood Residence: Rural Town, Village, Farm, or Ranch Spring Turkey IGA


IGA for spring turkey hunters who grew up in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

IGA for spring turkey hunters who grew up in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

Childhood Residence: Urban City Center, Downtown, or Suburb Spring Turkey IGA


IGA for spring turkey hunters who grew up in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

IGA for spring turkey hunters who grew up in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

Fall Turkey IGA

IGA for fall turkey hunters. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Breaking Flocks = Breaking up Turkey flocks, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

IGA for fall turkey hunters. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Breaking Flocks = Breaking up Turkey flocks, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

Resident Fall Turkey IGA


IGA for RESIDENT fall turkey hunters. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Breaking Flocks = Breaking up Turkey flocks, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

IGA for RESIDENT fall turkey hunters. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Breaking Flocks = Breaking up Turkey flocks, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

Non-resident Fall Turkey IGA


IGA for NON-RESIDENT fall turkey hunters. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Breaking Flocks = Breaking up Turkey flocks, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

IGA for NON-RESIDENT fall turkey hunters. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Breaking Flocks = Breaking up Turkey flocks, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

Most Important Hunting Activity Fall Turkey IGA


IGA for hunters who feel fall turkey hunting is their MOST IMPORTANT hunting activity. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Breaking Flocks = Breaking up Turkey flocks, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

IGA for hunters who feel fall turkey hunting is their MOST IMPORTANT hunting activity. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Breaking Flocks = Breaking up Turkey flocks, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

One of Several Important Hunting Activities Fall Turkey IGA


IGA for hunters who feel fall turkey hunting is ONE OF SEVERAL importnat hunting activities. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Breaking Flocks = Breaking up Turkey flocks, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

IGA for hunters who feel fall turkey hunting is ONE OF SEVERAL importnat hunting activities. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Breaking Flocks = Breaking up Turkey flocks, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

Current Residence: Rural Town, Village, Farm, or Ranch Fall Turkey IGA


IGA for fall turkey hunters residing in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Breaking Flocks = Breaking up Turkey flocks, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

IGA for fall turkey hunters residing in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Breaking Flocks = Breaking up Turkey flocks, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

Current Residence: Urban City Center, Downtown, or Suburb Fall Turkey IGA


IGA for fall turkey hunters residing in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Breaking Flocks = Breaking up Turkey flocks, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

IGA for fall turkey hunters residing in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Breaking Flocks = Breaking up Turkey flocks, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

Childhood Residence: Rural Town, Village, Farm, or Ranch Fall Turkey IGA


IGA for fall turkey hunters who grew up in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Breaking Flocks = Breaking up Turkey flocks, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

IGA for fall turkey hunters who grew up in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Breaking Flocks = Breaking up Turkey flocks, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

Childhood Residence: Urban City Center, Downtown, or Suburb Fall Turkey IGA


IGA for fall turkey hunters who grew up in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Breaking Flocks = Breaking up Turkey flocks, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

IGA for fall turkey hunters who grew up in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes above the fit line have higher than expected levels of implicit performance. Attributes below the line are experiences that have a lower than expected effect on satisfaction. See Game = Seeing Turkeys, Opportunity to Harvest = Opportunities to Shoot Turkey, Harvest Tom = Harvesting a Tom, Harvest Jake = Harvesting a Jake, Harvest Hen = Harvesting a Bearded Hen, Trophy = Harvesting a Trophy Turkey, Gobble = Hearing Gobbling, Breaking Flocks = Breaking up Turkey flocks, Decoy = Having Turkeys Come into My Decoy(s), Weather = Hunting in Favorable Weather Conditions, NO interference = Not Being Interfered with by Other Hunters, Private = Access to Private Land for Hunting, Public = Access to Public Land for Hunting, Hunt with Others = Hunting with Other People in My Party

Penalty-Reward-Contrast Analyses (PRCA)

Penalty-Reward-Contrast Analysis (PRCA) is described as the three-factor theory in that it identifies the following three factors to customer satisfaction: basic factors, performance factors, and excitement factors (Deng 2007, Deng et al. 2008, Kim et al. 2014). Basic factors will induce dissatisfaction if expectations with a given attribute are not met, but will not increase satisfaction if expectations are met or exceeded. Basic factors can be viewed as the minimum requirements for a product or experience. Performance factors will increase satisfaction if expectations are fulfilled or exceeded and dissatisfaction if expectations are not fulfilled. Excitement factors will increase satisfaction if delivered but do not cause dissatisfaction if they are missing. For example, the three-factory theory can be applied in the airline service industry. Safety can be viewed as a basic factor insofar as passengers expect to be safe during the flight. If safety expectations are met, then safety attributes will not induce customer dissatisfaction; nor will customers become more satisfied with their experience based on safety attributes alone. However, if passengers feel unsafe, lack of safety will induce dissatisfaction. Expediency in retrieving baggage after the flight might be viewed as a performance factor. If passengers must wait longer than expected to retrieve their baggage, they will become dissatisfied, but if they can claim their baggage more quickly than expected, passengers will be more satisfied with their experience. Quality or price of snacks and beverages during the flight may be viewed as an excitement factor. If the quality of snacks is excellent, passengers will be more satisfied, but lack of quality will not induce dissatisfaction.

Conducting the PRCA incorporates a 3-step process which examines influence on overall satisfaction at high and low-performance levels. In step 1, a simple linear regression is performed, and significant factors (performance ratings (1 to 5)) are recoded into Penalty and Reward dummy variables. If a respondent answered that the performance of an attribute was a “1,” their Penalty value would be a “1” and their Reward value would be a “0.” A rating of a “5” for a performance attribute would result in a Penalty value of “0” and a Reward value of “1.” A performance of rating of “2,” “3,” or “4” would result in a “0” for both Penalty and Reward values. Step 2 consists of a multiple regression with the dummy variables used, independent variables and overall satisfaction with the hunting experience as the dependent variable. The 3rd step is classification of attributes (basic, performance, excitement, or unimportant). An attribute is considered basic if the Penalty variable is significant and the reward variable is not significant, performance if both Penalty and Reward variables are significant, and excitement if the only the Reward variable is significant. Attribute is considered unimportant if neither Penalty nor Reward variables are significant.


PRCA for deer hunters. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for deer hunters. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Resident Deer PRCA


PRCA for RESIDENT deer hunters. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for RESIDENT deer hunters. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Non-resident Deer PRCA


PRCA for NON-RESIDENT deer hunters. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for NON-RESIDENT deer hunters. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Most Important Hunting Activity Deer PRCA


PRCA for hunters who feel deer hunting is their MOST IMPORTANT hunting activity. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for hunters who feel deer hunting is their MOST IMPORTANT hunting activity. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

One of Several Important Hunting Activities Deer PRCA


PRCA for hunters who feel deer hunting is ONE OF SEVERAL important hunting activities. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for hunters who feel deer hunting is ONE OF SEVERAL important hunting activities. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Current Residence: Rural Town, Village, Farm, or Ranch Deer PRCA


PRCA for deer hunters residing in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.e

PRCA for deer hunters residing in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.e

Current Residence: Urban City Center, Downtown, or Suburb Deer PRCA


PRCA for deer hunters residing in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for deer hunters residing in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Childhood Residence: Rural Town, Village, Farm, or Ranch Deer PRCA


PRCA for deer hunters who grew up in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for deer hunters who grew up in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Childhood Residence: Urban City Center, Downtown, or Suburb Deer PRCA


PRCA for deer hunters who grew up in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for deer hunters who grew up in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Waterfowl PRCA

PRCA for waterfowl hunters. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for waterfowl hunters. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Resident Waterfowl PRCA


PRCA for RESIDENT waterfowl hunters. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for RESIDENT waterfowl hunters. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Non-resident Waterfowl PRCA

Non-residents were not targeted for the waterfowl questionnaire.

Most Important Hunting Activity Waterfowl PRCA


PRCA for hunters who feel waterfowl hunting is their MOST IMPORTANT hunting activity. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for hunters who feel waterfowl hunting is their MOST IMPORTANT hunting activity. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

One of Several Important Hunting Activities Waterfowl PRCA


PRCA for hunters who feel waterfowl hunting is ONE OF SEVERAL important hunting activities. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for hunters who feel waterfowl hunting is ONE OF SEVERAL important hunting activities. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Current Residence: Rural Town, Village, Farm, or Ranch Waterfowl PRCA


PRCA for waterfowl hunters residing in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for waterfowl hunters residing in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Current Residence: Urban City Center, Downtown, or Suburb Waterfowl PRCA


PRCA for waterfowl hunters residing in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for waterfowl hunters residing in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Childhood Residence: Rural Town, Village, Farm, or Ranch Waterfowl PRCA


PRCA for waterfowl hunters who grew up in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for waterfowl hunters who grew up in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Childhood Residence: Urban City Center, Downtown, or Suburb Waterfowl PRCA


PRCA for waterfowl hunters who grew up in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for waterfowl hunters who grew up in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Upland Game PRCA

PRCA for upland game hunters. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for upland game hunters. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Resident Upland Game PRCA


PRCA for RESIDENT upland game hunters. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for RESIDENT upland game hunters. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Non-resident Upland Game PRCA


There were no significant attributes for non-resident upland game hunters.

Most Important Hunting Activity Upland Game PRCA


PRCA for upland game hunters who feel upland game hunting is their MOST IMPORTANT hunting activity. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for upland game hunters who feel upland game hunting is their MOST IMPORTANT hunting activity. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

One of Several Important Hunting Activities Upland Game PRCA


PRCA for hunters who feel upland game hunting is ONE OF SEVERAL important hunting activities. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for hunters who feel upland game hunting is ONE OF SEVERAL important hunting activities. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Current Residence: Rural Town, Village, Farm, or Ranch Upland Game PRCA


PRCA for upland game hunters residing in a Rural Town, Village, Farm, or Ranch. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for upland game hunters residing in a Rural Town, Village, Farm, or Ranch. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Current Residence: Urban City Center, Downtown, or Suburb Upland Game PRCA


PRCA for upland game hunters residing in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for upland game hunters residing in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Childhood Residence: Rural Town, Village, Farm, or Ranch Upland Game PRCA


PRCA for upland game hunters who grew up in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for upland game hunters who grew up in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Childhood Residence: Urban City Center, Downtown, or Suburb Upland Game PRCA


PRCA for upland game hunters who grew up in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for upland game hunters who grew up in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Spring Turkey PRCA

PRCA for spring turkey hunters. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for spring turkey hunters. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Resident Spring Turkey PRCA


PRCA for RESIDENT spring turkey hunters. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for RESIDENT spring turkey hunters. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Non-resident Spring Turkey PRCA


PRCA for NON-RESIDENT spring turkey hunters. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for NON-RESIDENT spring turkey hunters. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Most Important Hunting Activity Spring Turkey PRCA


PRCA for hunters who feel turkey hunting is their most important hunting activity. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for hunters who feel turkey hunting is their most important hunting activity. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

One of Several Important Hunting Activities Spring Turkey PRCA


PRCA for hunters who feel turkey hunting is ONE OF SEVERAL important hunting activities. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for hunters who feel turkey hunting is ONE OF SEVERAL important hunting activities. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Current Residence: Rural Town, Village, Farm, or Ranch Spring Turkey PRCA


PRCA for spring turkey hunters residing in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, or RANCH. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for spring turkey hunters residing in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, or RANCH. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Current Residence: Urban City Center, Downtown, or Suburb Spring Turkey PRCA


PRCA for spring turkey hunters residing in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for spring turkey hunters residing in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Childhood Residence: Rural Town, Village, Farm, or Ranch Spring Turkey PRCA


PRCA for spring turkey hunters who grew up in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for spring turkey hunters who grew up in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Childhood Residence: Urban City Center, Downtown, or Suburb Spring Turkey PRCA


There were no significant attributes for Spring Turkey hunters who’s childhood residence was in an urban city center, downtown, or suburb.

Fall Turkey PRCA

PRCA for fall turkey hunters. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for fall turkey hunters. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Resident Fall Turkey PRCA


PRCA for RESIDENT fall turkey hunters. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for RESIDENT fall turkey hunters. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Non-resident Fall Turkey PRCA


PRCA for NON-RESIDENT fall turkey hunters. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for NON-RESIDENT fall turkey hunters. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Most Important Hunting Activity Fall Turkey PRCA


PRCA for hunters who feel turkey hunting is the MOST important hunting activity. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for hunters who feel turkey hunting is the MOST important hunting activity. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

One of Several Important Hunting Activities Fall Turkey PRCA


PRCA for hunters who feel turkey hunting is ONE OF SEVERAL important hunting activities. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for hunters who feel turkey hunting is ONE OF SEVERAL important hunting activities. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Current Residence: Rural Town, Village, Farm, or Ranch Fall Turkey PRCA


PRCA for fall turkey hunters residing in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, or RANCH. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for fall turkey hunters residing in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, or RANCH. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Current Residence: Urban City Center, Downtown, or Suburb Fall Turkey PRCA


PRCA for fall turkey hunters residing in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for fall turkey hunters residing in an URBAN CITY CENTER, DOWNTOWN OR SUBURB. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Childhood Residence: Rural Town, Village, Farm, or Ranch Fall Turkey PRCA


PRCA for fall turkey hunters who grew up in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for fall turkey hunters who grew up in a RURAL TOWN, VILLAGE, FARM, OR RANCH. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Childhood Residence: Urban City Center, Downtown, or Suburb Fall Turkey PRCA


PRCA for fall turkey hunters who grew up in an Urban City Center, Downtown, or Suburb. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

PRCA for fall turkey hunters who grew up in an Urban City Center, Downtown, or Suburb. Only attributes found significant in the linear regression were included in the PRCA.

Survey Section 4: Hunting Experience

Days Hunted on Typical Trip

About how many days did you spend hunting on a typical XXXX hunting trip in Nebraska in XXXX?
Mean number of RESIDENT days hunting on typical hunting trip. Bars represent number of days hunting their respective game type (i.e. Number of days deer hunters have hunted for deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Mean number of RESIDENT days hunting on typical hunting trip. Bars represent number of days hunting their respective game type (i.e. Number of days deer hunters have hunted for deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Mean number of NON-RESIDENT days hunting on typical hunting trip. Bars represent number of days hunting their respective game type (i.e. Number of days deer hunters have hunted for deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Mean number of NON-RESIDENT days hunting on typical hunting trip. Bars represent number of days hunting their respective game type (i.e. Number of days deer hunters have hunted for deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Number of Days Hunting on Typical Deer Hunting Trip

About how many days did you spend hunting on a typical Deer hunting trip in Nebraska in 2022?

Percentage of RESIDENT number of days hunting deer on a typical hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT number of days hunting deer on a typical hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of days hunting deer on a typical hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of days hunting deer on a typical hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Number of Days Hunting on Typical Waterfowl Hunting Trip

About how many days did you spend hunting on a typical Waterfowl hunting trip in Nebraska in the 2021 - 2022 season?

Percentage of RESIDENT number of days hunting waterfowl on a typical hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT number of days hunting waterfowl on a typical hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of days hunting waterfowl on a typical hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of days hunting waterfowl on a typical hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Number of Days Hunting on Typical Upland Game Hunting Trip

About how many days did you spend hunting on a typical Upland Game hunting trip in Nebraska in the 2021 - 2022 season?

Percentage of RESIDENT number of days hunting upland game on a typical hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT number of days hunting upland game on a typical hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of days hunting upland game on a typical hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of days hunting upland game on a typical hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Number of Days Hunting on Typical Spring Turkey Hunting Trip

About how many days did you spend hunting on a typical Upland Game hunting trip in Nebraska in the 2022 - 2023 season?

Percentage of RESIDENT number of days hunting spring turkey on a typical hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT number of days hunting spring turkey on a typical hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of days hunting spring turkey on a typical hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of days hunting spring turkey on a typical hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Number of Days Hunting on Typical Fall Turkey Hunting Trip

About how many days did you spend hunting on a typical Fall Turkey hunting trip in Nebraska in 2022?

Percentage of RESIDENT number of days hunting fall turkey on a typical hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT number of days hunting fall turkey on a typical hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of days hunting fall turkey on a typical hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of days hunting fall turkey on a typical hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Hours Actively Hunting on a Typical Hunting Trip

About how many hours did you spend actively hunting on a typical XXXX hunting trip in Nebraska in XXXX?
Percentage of hunter response for number of hours spent hunting on a typical hunting trip. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of hunter response for number of hours spent hunting on a typical hunting trip. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Hours Actively Hunting on Deer Trip

About how many hours did you spend actively hunting on a typical Deer hunting trip in Nebraska in 2022?

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Less than 1 hour 2 1.4 0 0.0 2 0.4

1 - 3 hours 2 1.4 35 8.9 37 7.0

4 - 6 hours 14 10.1 94 23.9 108 20.3

7 - 11 hours 17 12.3 67 17.0 84 15.8

12 - 24 hours 17 12.3 67 17.0 84 15.8

24 - 48 hours 37 26.8 63 16.0 100 18.8

48 - 72 hours 24 17.4 17 4.3 41 7.7

More than 72 hours 23 16.7 46 11.7 69 13.0

No Response 2 1.4 5 1.3 7 1.3

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0

Hours Actively Hunting on Waterfowl Trip

About how many hours did you spend actively hunting on a typical Waterfowl hunting trip in Nebraska in the 2022-2023 season?

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Less than 1 hour 0 0 1 0.3 1 0.3

1 - 3 hours 0 0 34 9.2 34 9.2

4 - 6 hours 0 0 189 51.4 189 51.2

7 - 11 hours 1 100 76 20.7 77 20.9

12 - 24 hours 0 0 28 7.6 28 7.6

24 - 48 hours 0 0 8 2.2 8 2.2

48 - 72 hours 0 0 8 2.2 8 2.2

More than 72 hours 0 0 23 6.2 23 6.2

No Response 0 0 1 0.3 1 0.3

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Hours Actively Hunting on Upland Game Trip

About how many hours did you spend actively hunting on a typical Upland Game hunting trip in Nebraska in the 2022-2023 season?

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Less than 1 hour 0 0.0 4 2.5 4 1.7

1 - 3 hours 3 4.5 32 19.6 35 15.3

4 - 6 hours 16 24.2 72 44.2 88 38.4

7 - 11 hours 8 12.1 22 13.5 30 13.1

12 - 24 hours 22 33.3 14 8.6 36 15.7

24 - 48 hours 10 15.2 4 2.5 14 6.1

48 - 72 hours 5 7.6 8 4.9 13 5.7

More than 72 hours 1 1.5 5 3.1 6 2.6

No Response 1 1.5 2 1.2 3 1.3

Total 66 100.0 163 100.0 229 100.0

Hours Actively Hunting on Spring Turkey Trip

About how many hours did you spend actively hunting on a typical Spring Turkey hunting trip in Nebraska in 2023?

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Less than 1 hour 0 0.0 2 0.6 2 0.3

1 - 3 hours 10 3.2 49 14.2 59 8.9

4 - 6 hours 37 11.7 130 37.7 167 25.3

7 - 11 hours 58 18.4 42 12.2 100 15.2

12 - 24 hours 67 21.3 62 18.0 129 19.5

24 - 48 hours 82 26.0 27 7.8 109 16.5

48 - 72 hours 33 10.5 8 2.3 41 6.2

More than 72 hours 28 8.9 20 5.8 48 7.3

No Response 0 0.0 5 1.4 5 0.8

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Hours Actively Hunting on Fall Turkey Trip

About how many hours did you spend actively hunting on a typical Fall Turkey hunting trip in Nebraska in 2022?

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Less than 1 hour 1 1.8 6 1.9 7 1.9

1 - 3 hours 4 7.1 81 25.6 85 22.8

4 - 6 hours 16 28.6 104 32.9 120 32.3

7 - 11 hours 12 21.4 47 14.9 59 15.9

12 - 24 hours 12 21.4 40 12.7 52 14.0

24 - 48 hours 5 8.9 18 5.7 23 6.2

48 - 72 hours 4 7.1 9 2.8 13 3.5

More than 72 hours 1 1.8 9 2.8 10 2.7

No Response 1 1.8 2 0.6 3 0.8

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Miles Traveled

About how many miles did you travel, one way, from your home residence to your XXXX hunting destination in Nebraska in XXXX?

On a Typical Hunting Trip

Mean number of RESIDENT miles traveled on typical hunting trip. Bars represent number of miles typically traveled to hunt their respective game type (i.e. Number of miles deer hunters typically traveled to hunt for deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Mean number of RESIDENT miles traveled on typical hunting trip. Bars represent number of miles typically traveled to hunt their respective game type (i.e. Number of miles deer hunters typically traveled to hunt for deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Mean number of NON-RESIDENT miles traveled on typical hunting trip. Bars represent number of miles typically traveled to hunt their respective game type (i.e. Number of miles deer hunters typically traveled to hunt for deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Mean number of NON-RESIDENT miles traveled on typical hunting trip. Bars represent number of miles typically traveled to hunt their respective game type (i.e. Number of miles deer hunters typically traveled to hunt for deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Number of Miles Traveled on Typical Deer Hunting Trip


Percentage of RESIDENT number of miles traveled on a typical deer hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT number of miles traveled on a typical deer hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of miles traveled on a typical deer hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of miles traveled on a typical deer hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Number of Miles Traveled on Typical Waterfowl Hunting Trip


Percentage of RESIDENT number of miles traveled on a typical waterfowl hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT number of miles traveled on a typical waterfowl hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of miles traveled on a typical waterfowl hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of miles traveled on a typical waterfowl hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Number of Miles Traveled on Typical Upland Game Hunting Trip


Percentage of RESIDENT number of miles traveled on a typical upland game hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT number of miles traveled on a typical upland game hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of miles traveled on a typical upland game hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of miles traveled on a typical upland game hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Number of Miles Traveled on Typical Spring Turkey Hunting Trip


Percentage of RESIDENT number of miles traveled on a typical spring turkey hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT number of miles traveled on a typical spring turkey hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of miles traveled on a typical spring turkey hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of miles traveled on a typical spring turkey hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Number of Miles Traveled on Typical Fall Turkey Hunting Trip


Percentage of RESIDENT number of miles traveled on a typical fall turkey hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT number of miles traveled on a typical fall turkey hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of miles traveled on a typical fall turkey hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of miles traveled on a typical fall turkey hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

On Your Furthest Hunting Trip

Mean number of RESIDENT miles traveled on furthest hunting trip. Bars represent number of miles traveled to hunt their respective game type (i.e. Number of miles deer hunters traveled to hunt for deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Mean number of RESIDENT miles traveled on furthest hunting trip. Bars represent number of miles traveled to hunt their respective game type (i.e. Number of miles deer hunters traveled to hunt for deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Mean number of NON-RESIDENT miles traveled on furthest hunting trip. Bars represent number of miles traveled to hunt their respective game type (i.e. Number of miles deer hunters traveled to hunt for deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Mean number of NON-RESIDENT miles traveled on furthest hunting trip. Bars represent number of miles traveled to hunt their respective game type (i.e. Number of miles deer hunters traveled to hunt for deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Number of Miles Traveled on Furthest Deer Hunting Trip


Percentage of RESIDENT number of miles traveled on the furthest deer hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT number of miles traveled on the furthest deer hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of miles traveled on the furthest deer hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of miles traveled on the furthest deer hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Number of Miles Traveled on Furthest Waterfowl Hunting Trip


Percentage of RESIDENT number of miles traveled on the furthest waterfowl hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT number of miles traveled on the furthest waterfowl hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of miles traveled on the furthest waterfowl hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of miles traveled on the furthest waterfowl hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Number of Miles Traveled on Furthest Upland Game Hunting Trip


Percentage of RESIDENT number of miles traveled on the furthest upland game hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT number of miles traveled on the furthest upland game hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of miles traveled on the furthest upland game hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of miles traveled on the furthest upland game hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Number of Miles Traveled on Furthest Spring Turkey Hunting Trip


Percentage of RESIDENT number of miles traveled on the furthest spring turkey hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT number of miles traveled on the furthest spring turkey hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of miles traveled on the furthest spring turkey hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of miles traveled on the furthest spring turkey hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Number of Miles Traveled on Furthest Fall Turkey Hunting Trip


Percentage of RESIDENT number of miles traveled on the furthest fall turkey hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT number of miles traveled on the furthest fall turkey hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of miles traveled on the furthest fall turkey hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of miles traveled on the furthest fall turkey hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

County Hunted

Hunting County Deer

In which county did you hunt Deer most frequently in Nebraska in 2022?
Nebraska county in which Deer hunts most frequently occurred

Nebraska county in which Deer hunts most frequently occurred

Hunting County Waterfowl

In which county did you hunt Waterfowl most frequently in Nebraska in the 2022-2023 season?
Nebraska county in which Waterfowl hunts most frequently occurred

Nebraska county in which Waterfowl hunts most frequently occurred

Hunting County Upland Game

In which county did you hunt Upland Game most frequently in Nebraska in the 2022-2023 season?
Nebraska county in which upland game hunts most frequently occurred

Nebraska county in which upland game hunts most frequently occurred

Hunting County Spring Turkey

In which county did you hunt Spring Turkey most frequently in Nebraska in 2023?
Nebraska county in which Turkey hunts most frequently occurred

Nebraska county in which Turkey hunts most frequently occurred

Hunting County Fall Turkey

In which county did you hunt Fall Turkey most frequently in Nebraska in 2022?
Nebraska county in which Turkey hunts most frequently occurred

Nebraska county in which Turkey hunts most frequently occurred

Number of Additional Hunters in Party

How many other hunters did you hunt with on a typical XXXX hunting trip in Nebraska in XXXX?
Mean number of RESIDENT additional hunters in party. Bars represent additional number of hunters while hunting their respective game type (i.e. Number of additional hunters in party  when hunting for for deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Mean number of RESIDENT additional hunters in party. Bars represent additional number of hunters while hunting their respective game type (i.e. Number of additional hunters in party when hunting for for deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Mean number of NON-RESIDENT additional hunters in party. Bars represent additional number of hunters while hunting their respective game type (i.e. Number of additional hunters in party  when hunting for for deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Mean number of NON-RESIDENT additional hunters in party. Bars represent additional number of hunters while hunting their respective game type (i.e. Number of additional hunters in party when hunting for for deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Number of Additional Hunters on Deer Hunting Trip

Percentage of RESIDENT number of additional hunters in party on deer hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT number of additional hunters in party on deer hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of additional hunters in party on deer hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of additional hunters in party on deer hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Number of Additional Hunters on Waterfowl Hunting Trip

Percentage of RESIDENT number of additional hunters in party on waterfowl hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT number of additional hunters in party on waterfowl hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of additional hunters in party on waterfowl hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of additional hunters in party on waterfowl hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Number of Additional Hunters on Upland Game Hunting Trip

Percentage of RESIDENT number of additional hunters in party on upland game hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT number of additional hunters in party on upland game hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of additional hunters in party on upland game hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of additional hunters in party on upland game hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Number of Additional Hunters on Spring Turkey Hunting Trip

Percentage of RESIDENT number of additional hunters in party on spring turkey hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT number of additional hunters in party on spring turkey hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of additional hunters in party on spring turkey hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of additional hunters in party on spring turkey hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Number of Additional Hunters on Fall Turkey Hunting Trip

Percentage of RESIDENT number of additional hunters in party on fall turkey hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT number of additional hunters in party on fall turkey hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of additional hunters in party on fall turkey hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of additional hunters in party on fall turkey hunting trip. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Survey Section 5: Hunting Season

Number of Hunting Trips

How many XXXX hunting trips did you take in Nebraska in the XXXX season?
Mean number of RESIDENT hunting trips taken. Bars represent number of trips taken to hunt their respective game type (i.e. Number of deer-hunting trips deer hunters took to hunt deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Mean number of RESIDENT hunting trips taken. Bars represent number of trips taken to hunt their respective game type (i.e. Number of deer-hunting trips deer hunters took to hunt deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Mean number of NON-RESIDENT hunting trips taken. Bars represent number of trips taken to hunt their respective game type (i.e. Number of deer-hunting trips deer hunters took to hunt deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Mean number of NON-RESIDENT hunting trips taken. Bars represent number of trips taken to hunt their respective game type (i.e. Number of deer-hunting trips deer hunters took to hunt deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Number of Trips Taken by Deer Hunters

Percentage of RESIDENT number of trips taken by deer hunters. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT number of trips taken by deer hunters. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of trips taken by deer hunters. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of trips taken by deer hunters. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Number of Trips Taken by Waterfowl Hunters

Percentage of RESIDENT number of trips taken by waterfowl hunters. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT number of trips taken by waterfowl hunters. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of trips taken by waterfowl hunters. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual response

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of trips taken by waterfowl hunters. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual response

Number of Trips Taken by Upland Game Hunters

Percentage of RESIDENT number of trips taken by upland game hunters. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT number of trips taken by upland game hunters. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of trips taken by upland game hunters. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of trips taken by upland game hunters. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Number of Trips Taken by Spring Turkey Hunters

Percentage of RESIDENT number of trips taken by spring turkey hunters. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT number of trips taken by spring turkey hunters. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of trips taken by spring turkey hunters. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of trips taken by spring turkey hunters. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Number of Trips Taken by Fall Turkey Hunters

Percentage of RESIDENT number of trips taken by fall turkey hunters. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT number of trips taken by fall turkey hunters. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of trips taken by fall turkey hunters. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT number of trips taken by fall turkey hunters. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Dollars spent

Approximately how much did you spend on XXXX hunting expenses for each of the following categories in Nebraska in XXXX?


Mean number of RESIDENT dollars spent on lodging. Bars represent number of dollars spent on lodging to hunt their respective game type (i.e. Number of dollars spent by deer hunters on lodging to hunt deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Mean number of RESIDENT dollars spent on lodging. Bars represent number of dollars spent on lodging to hunt their respective game type (i.e. Number of dollars spent by deer hunters on lodging to hunt deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Mean number of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent on lodging. Bars represent number of dollars spent on lodging to hunt their respective game type (i.e. Number of dollars spent by deer hunters on lodging to hunt deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Mean number of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent on lodging. Bars represent number of dollars spent on lodging to hunt their respective game type (i.e. Number of dollars spent by deer hunters on lodging to hunt deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Dollars Spent on Lodging by Deer Hunters


Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by deer hunters on LODGING. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by deer hunters on LODGING. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by deer hunters on LODGING. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by deer hunters on LODGING. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Dollars Spent on Lodging by Waterfowl Hunters


Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by waterfowl hunters on LODGING. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by waterfowl hunters on LODGING. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by waterfowl hunters on LODGING. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by waterfowl hunters on LODGING. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Dollars Spent on Lodging by Upland Game Hunters


Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by upland game hunters on LODGING. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by upland game hunters on LODGING. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by upland game hunters on LODGING. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by upland game hunters on LODGING. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Dollars Spent on Lodging by Spring Turkey Hunters


Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by spring turkey hunters on LODGING. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by spring turkey hunters on LODGING. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by spring turkey hunters on LODGING. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by spring turkey hunters on LODGING. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Dollars Spent on Lodging by Fall Turkey Hunters


Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by fall turkey hunters on LODGING. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by fall turkey hunters on LODGING. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by fall turkey hunters on LODGING. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by fall turkey hunters on LODGING. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Hunting Equipment

Mean number of RESIDENT dollars spent on hunting equipment. Bars represent number of dollars spent on hunting equipment to hunt their respective game type (i.e. Number of dollars spent by deer hunters on hunting equipment to hunt deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Mean number of RESIDENT dollars spent on hunting equipment. Bars represent number of dollars spent on hunting equipment to hunt their respective game type (i.e. Number of dollars spent by deer hunters on hunting equipment to hunt deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Mean number of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent on hunting equipment. Bars represent number of dollars spent on hunting equipment to hunt their respective game type (i.e. Number of dollars spent by deer hunters on hunting equipment to hunt deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Mean number of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent on hunting equipment. Bars represent number of dollars spent on hunting equipment to hunt their respective game type (i.e. Number of dollars spent by deer hunters on hunting equipment to hunt deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Dollars Spent on Hunting Equipment by Deer Hunters


Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by deer hunters on hunting equipment. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by deer hunters on hunting equipment. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by deer hunters on hunting equipment. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by deer hunters on hunting equipment. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Dollars Spent on Hunting Equipment by Waterfowl Hunters


Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by waterfowl hunters on hunting equipment. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by waterfowl hunters on hunting equipment. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by waterfowl hunters on hunting equipment. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by waterfowl hunters on hunting equipment. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Dollars Spent on Hunting Equipment by Upland Game Hunters


Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by upland game hunters on hunting equipment. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by upland game hunters on hunting equipment. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by upland game hunters on hunting equipment. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by upland game hunters on hunting equipment. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Dollars Spent on Hunting Equipment by Spring Turkey Hunters


Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by spring turkey hunters on hunting equipment. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by spring turkey hunters on hunting equipment. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by spring turkey hunters on hunting equipment. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by spring turkey hunters on hunting equipment. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Dollars Spent on Hunting Equipment by Fall Turkey Hunters


Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by fall turkey hunters on hunting equipment. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by fall turkey hunters on hunting equipment. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by fall turkey hunters on hunting equipment. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by fall turkey hunters on hunting equipment. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Hunting Lease(s)

Only respondents who claimed to hunt on leased land at least some of the time are included in the Hunting Leases(s) sub-section.

Mean number of RESIDENT dollars spent on hunting leases. Bars represent number of dollars spent on hunting leases to hunt their respective game type (i.e. Number of dollars spent by deer hunters on hunting leases to hunt deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Mean number of RESIDENT dollars spent on hunting leases. Bars represent number of dollars spent on hunting leases to hunt their respective game type (i.e. Number of dollars spent by deer hunters on hunting leases to hunt deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Mean number of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent on hunting leases. Bars represent number of dollars spent on hunting leases to hunt their respective game type (i.e. Number of dollars spent by deer hunters on hunting leases to hunt deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Mean number of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent on hunting leases. Bars represent number of dollars spent on hunting leases to hunt their respective game type (i.e. Number of dollars spent by deer hunters on hunting leases to hunt deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Dollars Spent on Hunting Leases by Deer Hunters


Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by deer hunters on hunting leases. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by deer hunters on hunting leases. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by deer hunters on hunting leases. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by deer hunters on hunting leases. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Dollars Spent on Hunting Leases by Waterfowl Hunters


Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by waterfowl hunters on hunting leases. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by waterfowl hunters on hunting leases. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

There were zero non-resident waterfowl hunters who reported spending on waterfowl hunting lease(s).

Dollars Spent on Hunting Leases by Upland Game Hunters


Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by upland game hunters on hunting leases. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by upland game hunters on hunting leases. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by upland game hunters on hunting leases. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by upland game hunters on hunting leases. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Dollars Spent on Hunting Leases by Spring Turkey Hunters


Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by spring turkey hunters on hunting leases. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by spring turkey hunters on hunting leases. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by spring turkey hunters on hunting leases. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by spring turkey hunters on hunting leases. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Dollars Spent on Hunting Leases by Fall Turkey Hunters


Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by fall turkey hunters on hunting leases. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by fall turkey hunters on hunting leases. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by fall turkey hunters on hunting leases. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by fall turkey hunters on hunting leases. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses


Mean number of RESIDENT dollars spent on fuel. Bars represent number of dollars spent on fuel to hunt their respective game type (i.e. Number of dollars spent by deer hunters on fuel to hunt deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Mean number of RESIDENT dollars spent on fuel. Bars represent number of dollars spent on fuel to hunt their respective game type (i.e. Number of dollars spent by deer hunters on fuel to hunt deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Mean number of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent on fuel. Bars represent number of dollars spent on fuel to hunt their respective game type (i.e. Number of dollars spent by deer hunters on fuel to hunt deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Mean number of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent on fuel. Bars represent number of dollars spent on fuel to hunt their respective game type (i.e. Number of dollars spent by deer hunters on fuel to hunt deer). Error bars represent standard deviations.

Dollars Spent on Fuel by Deer Hunters


Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by deer hunters on fuel. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by deer hunters on fuel. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by deer hunters on fuel. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by deer hunters on fuel. Bars represent responses from the Deer Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Dollars Spent on Fuel by Waterfowl Hunters


Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by waterfowl hunters on fuel. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by waterfowl hunters on fuel. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by waterfowl hunters on fuel. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by waterfowl hunters on fuel. Bars represent responses from the Waterfowl Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Dollars Spent on Fuel by Upland Game Hunters


Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by upland game hunters on fuel. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by upland game hunters on fuel. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by upland game hunters on fuel. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by upland game hunters on fuel. Bars represent responses from the Upland Game Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Dollars Spent on Fuel by Spring Turkey Hunters


Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by spring turkey hunters on fuel. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by spring turkey hunters on fuel. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by spring turkey hunters on fuel. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by spring turkey hunters on fuel. Bars represent responses from the Spring Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Dollars Spent on Fuel by Fall Turkey Hunters


Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by fall turkey hunters on fuel. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of RESIDENT dollars spent by fall turkey hunters on fuel. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by fall turkey hunters on fuel. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT dollars spent by fall turkey hunters on fuel. Bars represent responses from the Fall Turkey Survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses

Type of Land Hunted

About what percent (%) of your 20XX Nebraska XXXX hunting trips occurred on each of the following land types?

Private Land Owned by Self, Friend, or Family

Percentage of hunter response for percent of time spent hunting on PRIVATE LAND. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of hunter response for percent of time spent hunting on PRIVATE LAND. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Private Land Hunting by Deer Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
0% 48 34.8 38 9.6 86 16.2

25% 2 1.4 11 2.8 13 2.4

50% 7 5.1 22 5.6 29 5.5

75% 8 5.8 42 10.7 50 9.4

100% 66 47.8 277 70.3 343 64.5

No Response 7 5.1 4 1.0 11 2.1

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0

Private Land Hunting by Waterfowl Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
0% 0 0 69 18.8 69 18.7

25% 0 0 58 15.8 58 15.7

50% 0 0 33 9.0 33 8.9

75% 1 100 66 17.9 67 18.2

100% 0 0 130 35.3 130 35.2

No Response 0 0 12 3.3 12 3.3

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Private Land Hunting by Upland Game Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
0% 29 43.9 35 21.5 64 27.9

25% 6 9.1 21 12.9 27 11.8

50% 3 4.5 28 17.2 31 13.5

75% 8 12.1 41 25.2 49 21.4

100% 17 25.8 31 19.0 48 21.0

No Response 3 4.5 7 4.3 10 4.4

Total 66 100.0 163 100.0 229 100.0

Private Land Hunting by Spring Turkey Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
0% 106 33.7 49 14.2 155 23.5

25% 19 6.0 25 7.2 44 6.7

50% 23 7.3 24 7.0 47 7.1

75% 32 10.2 44 12.8 76 11.5

100% 115 36.5 194 56.2 309 46.8

No Response 20 6.3 9 2.6 29 4.4

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Private Land Hunting by Fall Turkey Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
0% 16 28.6 52 16.5 68 18.3

25% 1 1.8 24 7.6 25 6.7

50% 2 3.6 25 7.9 27 7.3

75% 3 5.4 37 11.7 40 10.8

100% 34 60.7 173 54.7 207 55.6

No Response 0 0.0 5 1.6 5 1.3

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Hunting Lease

Percentage of hunter response for percent of time spent hunting on LEASED LAND. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of hunter response for percent of time spent hunting on LEASED LAND. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Leased Land Hunting by Deer Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
0% 87 63.0 302 76.6 389 73.1

25% 1 0.7 9 2.3 10 1.9

50% 3 2.2 1 0.3 4 0.8

75% 3 2.2 8 2.0 11 2.1

100% 25 18.1 14 3.6 39 7.3

No Response 19 13.8 60 15.2 79 14.8

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0

Leased Land Hunting by Waterfowl Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
0% 1 100 246 66.8 247 66.9

25% 0 0 19 5.2 19 5.1

50% 0 0 20 5.4 20 5.4

75% 0 0 22 6.0 22 6.0

100% 0 0 25 6.8 25 6.8

No Response 0 0 36 9.8 36 9.8

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Leased Land Hunting by Upland Game Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
0% 47 71.2 125 76.7 172 75.1

25% 2 3.0 4 2.5 6 2.6

50% 1 1.5 3 1.8 4 1.7

75% 2 3.0 1 0.6 3 1.3

100% 4 6.1 2 1.2 6 2.6

No Response 10 15.2 28 17.2 38 16.6

Total 66 100.0 163 100.0 229 100.0

Leased Land Hunting by Spring Turkey Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
0% 218 69.2 276 80.0 494 74.8

25% 5 1.6 9 2.6 14 2.1

50% 10 3.2 8 2.3 18 2.7

75% 2 0.6 6 1.7 8 1.2

100% 46 14.6 10 2.9 56 8.5

No Response 34 10.8 36 10.4 70 10.6

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Leased Land Hunting by Fall Turkey Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
0% 44 78.6 253 80.1 297 79.8

25% 0 0.0 3 0.9 3 0.8

50% 0 0.0 5 1.6 5 1.3

75% 1 1.8 3 0.9 4 1.1

100% 8 14.3 12 3.8 20 5.4

No Response 3 5.4 40 12.7 43 11.6

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Open Fields and Waters Land

Percentage of hunter response for percent of time spent hunting on OFW LAND. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of hunter response for percent of time spent hunting on OFW LAND. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

OFW Land Hunting by Deer Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
0% 80 58.0 266 67.5 346 65.0

25% 5 3.6 40 10.2 45 8.5

50% 5 3.6 12 3.0 17 3.2

75% 6 4.3 7 1.8 13 2.4

100% 14 10.1 10 2.5 24 4.5

No Response 28 20.3 59 15.0 87 16.4

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0

OFW Land Hunting by Waterfowl Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
0% 0 0 203 55.2 203 55.0

25% 1 100 63 17.1 64 17.3

50% 0 0 22 6.0 22 6.0

75% 0 0 13 3.5 13 3.5

100% 0 0 24 6.5 24 6.5

No Response 0 0 43 11.7 43 11.7

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

OFW Land Hunting by Upland Game Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
0% 25 37.9 52 31.9 77 33.6

25% 8 12.1 52 31.9 60 26.2

50% 10 15.2 15 9.2 25 10.9

75% 5 7.6 12 7.4 17 7.4

100% 8 12.1 6 3.7 14 6.1

No Response 10 15.2 26 16.0 36 15.7

Total 66 100.0 163 100.0 229 100.0

OFW Land Hunting by Spring Turkey Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
0% 188 59.7 256 74.2 444 67.3

25% 38 12.1 27 7.8 65 9.8

50% 16 5.1 9 2.6 25 3.8

75% 12 3.8 6 1.7 18 2.7

100% 12 3.8 9 2.6 21 3.2

No Response 49 15.6 38 11.0 87 13.2

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

OFW Land Hunting by Fall Turkey Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
0% 41 73.2 208 65.8 249 66.9

25% 3 5.4 39 12.3 42 11.3

50% 1 1.8 14 4.4 15 4.0

75% 1 1.8 5 1.6 6 1.6

100% 7 12.5 9 2.8 16 4.3

No Response 3 5.4 41 13.0 44 11.8

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Public Land

Percentage of hunter response for percent of time spent hunting on PUBLIC LAND. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of hunter response for percent of time spent hunting on PUBLIC LAND. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Public Land Hunting by Deer Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
0% 62 44.9 239 60.7 301 56.6

25% 12 8.7 54 13.7 66 12.4

50% 5 3.6 19 4.8 24 4.5

75% 3 2.2 9 2.3 12 2.3

100% 32 23.2 22 5.6 54 10.2

No Response 24 17.4 51 12.9 75 14.1

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0

Public Land Hunting by Waterfowl Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
0% 0 0 147 39.9 147 39.8

25% 1 100 91 24.7 92 24.9

50% 0 0 33 9.0 33 8.9

75% 0 0 37 10.1 37 10.0

100% 0 0 33 9.0 33 8.9

No Response 0 0 27 7.3 27 7.3

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Public Land Hunting by Upland Game Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
0% 17 25.8 35 21.5 52 22.7

25% 17 25.8 51 31.3 68 29.7

50% 11 16.7 30 18.4 41 17.9

75% 6 9.1 15 9.2 21 9.2

100% 11 16.7 16 9.8 27 11.8

No Response 4 6.1 16 9.8 20 8.7

Total 66 100.0 163 100.0 229 100.0

Public Land Hunting by Spring Turkey Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
0% 131 41.6 195 56.5 326 49.4

25% 38 12.1 52 15.1 90 13.6

50% 27 8.6 22 6.4 49 7.4

75% 25 7.9 14 4.1 39 5.9

100% 53 16.8 34 9.9 87 13.2

No Response 41 13.0 28 8.1 69 10.5

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Public Land Hunting by Fall Turkey Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
0% 34 60.7 167 52.8 201 54.0

25% 3 5.4 43 13.6 46 12.4

50% 2 3.6 27 8.5 29 7.8

75% 2 3.6 19 6.0 21 5.6

100% 12 21.4 29 9.2 41 11.0

No Response 3 5.4 31 9.8 34 9.1

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0


Did you successfully harvest XXXX during the XXXX season?

Percentage of successful harvest in the previous season for each satisfaction survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of successful harvest in the previous season for each satisfaction survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Deer Hunter Harvest Success

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Yes 81 58.7 208 52.8 289 54.3

No 57 41.3 183 46.4 240 45.1

No Response 0 0.0 3 0.8 3 0.6

Total 138 100.0 394 100.0 532 100.0

Waterfowl Hunter Harvest Success

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Yes 1 100 326 88.6 327 88.6

No 0 0 39 10.6 39 10.6

No Response 0 0 3 0.8 3 0.8

Total 1 100 368 100.0 369 100.0

Upland Game Hunter Harvest Success

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Yes 50 75.8 110 67.5 160 69.9

No 16 24.2 52 31.9 68 29.7

No Response 0 0.0 1 0.6 1 0.4

Total 66 100.0 163 100.0 229 100.0

Spring Turkey Hunter Harvest Success

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Yes 194 61.6 148 42.9 342 51.8

No 120 38.1 196 56.8 316 47.9

No Response 1 0.3 1 0.3 2 0.3

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Fall Turkey Hunter Harvest Success

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Yes 29 51.8 107 33.9 136 36.6

No 26 46.4 206 65.2 232 62.4

No Response 1 1.8 3 0.9 4 1.1

Total 56 100.0 316 100.0 372 100.0

Harvest Bag Limit

Waterfowl Bag Limit

Did you harvest your daily bag limit of Waterfowl at least once during the 2022-2023 season?

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Yes 1 100 198 60.7 199 60.9

No 0 0 128 39.3 128 39.1

Total 1 100 326 100.0 327 100.0

Upland Game Bag Limit

Did you harvest your daily bag limit of Upland Game birds at least once during the 2022-2023 season?

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Yes 18 36 28 25.5 46 28.7

No 32 64 82 74.5 114 71.2

Total 50 100 110 100.0 160 100.0

Survey Section 6: Demographics


Are you a Nebraska resident?
Percentage of residency status for each satisfaction survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of residency status for each satisfaction survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Past Residency

Were you ever a Nebraska resident in the past? Only includes respondents who answered as a non-resident in the previous question
Percentage of non-residents that were ever a Nebraska resident for each satisfaction survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of non-residents that were ever a Nebraska resident for each satisfaction survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.


What is your sex?
Percentage of respondent sex for each satisfaction survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of respondent sex for each satisfaction survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Birth Year

Birth year converted to age
Mean respondent age of RESIDENTS for each satisfaction survey. Error bars represent standard deviation.

Mean respondent age of RESIDENTS for each satisfaction survey. Error bars represent standard deviation.

Mean respondent age of NON-RESIDENTS for each satisfaction survey. Error bars represent standard deviation.

Mean respondent age of NON-RESIDENTS for each satisfaction survey. Error bars represent standard deviation.

Age of Deer Hunters

Percentage of RESIDENT deer hunter age. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of RESIDENT deer hunter age. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT deer hunter age. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT deer hunter age. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Age of Waterfowl Hunters

Percentage of RESIDENT waterfowl hunter age. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of RESIDENT waterfowl hunter age. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT waterfowl hunter age. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT waterfowl hunter age. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Age of Upland Game Hunters

Percentage of RESIDENT upland game hunter age. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of RESIDENT upland game hunter age. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT upland game hunter age. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT upland game hunter age. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Age of Spring Turkey Hunters

Percentage of RESIDENT spring turkey hunter age. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of RESIDENT spring turkey hunter age. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT spring turkey hunter age. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT spring turkey hunter age. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Age of Fall Turkey Hunters

Percentage of RESIDENT fall turkey hunter age. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of RESIDENT fall turkey hunter age. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT fall turkey hunter age. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of NON-RESIDENT fall turkey hunter age. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Home Residence

Which best describes the neighborhood of your home residence?
Percentage of hunter response for neighborhood description. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of hunter response for neighborhood description. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Neighborhood Description by Deer Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Urban City Center/Downtown 6 4.2 11 2.8 17 3.1

Urban City Suburbs/Neighborhoods 37 25.9 134 33.5 171 31.5

Rural Town or Village 64 44.8 152 38.0 216 39.8

Rural Farm/Ranch 36 25.2 97 24.2 133 24.5

No Response 0 0.0 6 1.5 6 1.1

Total 143 100.0 400 100.0 543 100.0

Neighborhood Description by Waterfowl Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Urban City Center/Downtown 1 33.3 9 2.0 10 2.2

Urban City Suburbs/Neighborhoods 2 66.7 170 37.4 172 37.6

Rural Town or Village 0 0.0 177 38.9 177 38.6

Rural Farm/Ranch 0 0.0 95 20.9 95 20.7

No Response 0 0.0 4 0.9 4 0.9

Total 3 100.0 455 100.0 458 100.0

Neighborhood Description by Upland Game Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Urban City Center/Downtown 1 1.4 3 1.7 4 1.7

Urban City Suburbs/Neighborhoods 32 46.4 72 41.6 104 43.0

Rural Town or Village 24 34.8 65 37.6 89 36.8

Rural Farm/Ranch 12 17.4 33 19.1 45 18.6

Total 69 100.0 173 100.0 242 100.0

Neighborhood Description by Spring Turkey Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Urban City Center/Downtown 5 1.6 4 1.2 9 1.4

Urban City Suburbs/Neighborhoods 92 29.2 148 42.9 240 36.4

Rural Town or Village 112 35.6 117 33.9 229 34.7

Rural Farm/Ranch 105 33.3 75 21.7 180 27.3

No Response 1 0.3 1 0.3 2 0.3

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Neighborhood Description by Fall Turkey Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Urban City Center/Downtown 0 0.0 9 2.9 9 2.5

Urban City Suburbs/Neighborhoods 32 59.3 138 44.7 170 46.8

Rural Town or Village 12 22.2 107 34.6 119 32.8

Rural Farm/Ranch 9 16.7 54 17.5 63 17.4

No Response 1 1.9 1 0.3 2 0.6

Total 54 100.0 309 100.0 363 100.0

Childhood Residence

Which best describes the neighborhood of your home residence during childhood?
Percentage of hunter response for childhood residence. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of hunter response for childhood residence. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Childhood Residence of Deer Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Urban City Center/Downtown 2 1.4 12 3.0 14 2.6

Urban City Suburbs/Neighborhoods 43 30.1 93 23.2 136 25.0

Rural Town or Village 52 36.4 147 36.8 199 36.6

Rural Farm/Ranch 46 32.2 143 35.8 189 34.8

No Response 0 0.0 5 1.2 5 0.9

Total 143 100.0 400 100.0 543 100.0

Childhood Residence of Waterfowl Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Urban City Center/Downtown 0 0 8 1.8 8 1.7

Urban City Suburbs/Neighborhoods 3 100 153 33.6 156 34.1

Rural Town or Village 0 0 176 38.7 176 38.4

Rural Farm/Ranch 0 0 112 24.6 112 24.5

No Response 0 0 6 1.3 6 1.3

Total 3 100 455 100.0 458 100.0

Childhood Residence of Upland Game Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Urban City Center/Downtown 1 1.4 4 2.3 5 2.1

Urban City Suburbs/Neighborhoods 33 47.8 58 33.5 91 37.6

Rural Town or Village 20 29.0 69 39.9 89 36.8

Rural Farm/Ranch 15 21.7 41 23.7 56 23.1

No Response 0 0.0 1 0.6 1 0.4

Total 69 100.0 173 100.0 242 100.0

Childhood Residence of Spring Turkey Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Urban City Center/Downtown 3 1.0 9 2.6 12 1.8

Urban City Suburbs/Neighborhoods 68 21.6 117 33.9 185 28.0

Rural Town or Village 131 41.6 115 33.3 246 37.3

Rural Farm/Ranch 110 34.9 101 29.3 211 32.0

No Response 3 1.0 3 0.9 6 0.9

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Childhood Residence of Fall Turkey Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Urban City Center/Downtown 2 3.7 12 3.9 14 3.9

Urban City Suburbs/Neighborhoods 28 51.9 106 34.3 134 36.9

Rural Town or Village 18 33.3 107 34.6 125 34.4

Rural Farm/Ranch 6 11.1 82 26.5 88 24.2

No Response 0 0.0 2 0.6 2 0.6

Total 54 100.0 309 100.0 363 100.0

Number of Children

How many children under the age of 16 reside in your household?
Percentage of hunter response for number of children in household. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of hunter response for number of children in household. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Number of Children in Households of Deer Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
None 94 65.7 236 59.0 330 60.8

1 17 11.9 60 15.0 77 14.2

2 21 14.7 53 13.2 74 13.6

3 6 4.2 27 6.8 33 6.1

4 3 2.1 12 3.0 15 2.8

5 0 0.0 1 0.2 1 0.2

7 + 0 0.0 2 0.5 2 0.4

No Response 2 1.4 9 2.2 11 2.0

Total 143 100.0 400 100.0 543 100.0

Number of Children in Households of Waterfowl Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
None 1 33.3 284 62.4 285 62.2

1 1 33.3 63 13.8 64 14.0

2 1 33.3 66 14.5 67 14.6

3 0 0.0 22 4.8 22 4.8

4 0 0.0 7 1.5 7 1.5

5 0 0.0 3 0.7 3 0.7

6 0 0.0 1 0.2 1 0.2

7 + 0 0.0 3 0.7 3 0.7

No Response 0 0.0 6 1.3 6 1.3

Total 3 100.0 455 100.0 458 100.0

Number of Children in Households of Upland Game Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
None 52 75.4 119 68.8 171 70.7

1 6 8.7 17 9.8 23 9.5

2 8 11.6 19 11.0 27 11.2

3 2 2.9 15 8.7 17 7.0

5 1 1.4 2 1.2 3 1.2

No Response 0 0.0 1 0.6 1 0.4

Total 69 100.0 173 100.0 242 100.0

Number of Children in Households of Spring Turkey Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
None 222 70.5 211 61.2 433 65.6

1 37 11.7 43 12.5 80 12.1

2 37 11.7 52 15.1 89 13.5

3 15 4.8 27 7.8 42 6.4

4 0 0.0 5 1.4 5 0.8

5 0 0.0 1 0.3 1 0.2

7 + 0 0.0 1 0.3 1 0.2

No Response 4 1.3 5 1.4 9 1.4

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Number of Children in Households of Fall Turkey Hunters

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
None 38 70.4 223 72.2 261 71.9

1 6 11.1 21 6.8 27 7.4

2 5 9.3 38 12.3 43 11.8

3 3 5.6 16 5.2 19 5.2

4 0 0.0 7 2.3 7 1.9

No Response 2 3.7 4 1.3 6 1.7

Total 54 100.0 309 100.0 363 100.0


What is your highest level of education?
Percentage of hunter response for highest level of education. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of hunter response for highest level of education. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Deer Hunter Education

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Some High School 1 0.7 9 2.2 10 1.8

High School Graduate 29 20.3 51 12.8 80 14.7

Some Technical School 6 4.2 17 4.2 23 4.2

Some College 21 14.7 62 15.5 83 15.3

Technical Degree/Certification 16 11.2 46 11.5 62 11.4

College Degree 46 32.2 128 32.0 174 32.0

Some Graduate School 4 2.8 13 3.2 17 3.1

Graduate School Degree (Masters Degree) 7 4.9 42 10.5 49 9.0

Professional Degree (Ph.D., M.D., J.D., E.D.D., D.O.D., etc.) 11 7.7 21 5.2 32 5.9

No Response 2 1.4 11 2.8 13 2.4

Total 143 100.0 400 100.0 543 100.0

Waterfowl Hunter Education

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Some High School 0 0.0 3 0.7 3 0.7

High School Graduate 0 0.0 62 13.6 62 13.5

Some Technical School 0 0.0 24 5.3 24 5.2

Some College 0 0.0 78 17.1 78 17.0

Technical Degree/Certification 0 0.0 55 12.1 55 12.0

College Degree 2 66.7 158 34.7 160 34.9

Some Graduate School 0 0.0 8 1.8 8 1.7

Graduate School Degree (Masters Degree) 1 33.3 47 10.3 48 10.5

Professional Degree (Ph.D., M.D., J.D., E.D.D., D.O.D., etc.) 0 0.0 9 2.0 9 2.0

No Response 0 0.0 11 2.4 11 2.4

Total 3 100.0 455 100.0 458 100.0

Upland Game Hunter Education

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Some High School 0 0.0 1 0.6 1 0.4

High School Graduate 2 2.9 23 13.3 25 10.3

Some Technical School 1 1.4 9 5.2 10 4.1

Some College 11 15.9 23 13.3 34 14.0

Technical Degree/Certification 8 11.6 27 15.6 35 14.5

College Degree 28 40.6 54 31.2 82 33.9

Some Graduate School 1 1.4 5 2.9 6 2.5

Graduate School Degree (Masters Degree) 11 15.9 20 11.6 31 12.8

Professional Degree (Ph.D., M.D., J.D., E.D.D., D.O.D., etc.) 5 7.2 7 4.0 12 5.0

No Response 2 2.9 4 2.3 6 2.5

Total 69 100.0 173 100.0 242 100.0

Spring Turkey Hunter Education

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Some High School 1 0.3 1 0.3 2 0.3

High School Graduate 55 17.5 34 9.9 89 13.5

Some Technical School 8 2.5 11 3.2 19 2.9

Some College 50 15.9 44 12.8 94 14.2

Technical Degree/Certification 24 7.6 39 11.3 63 9.5

College Degree 115 36.5 145 42.0 260 39.4

Some Graduate School 12 3.8 15 4.3 27 4.1

Graduate School Degree (Masters Degree) 27 8.6 30 8.7 57 8.6

Professional Degree (Ph.D., M.D., J.D., E.D.D., D.O.D., etc.) 15 4.8 19 5.5 34 5.2

No Response 8 2.5 7 2.0 15 2.3

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Fall Turkey Hunter Education

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Some High School 0 0.0 2 0.6 2 0.6

High School Graduate 4 7.4 34 11.0 38 10.5

Some Technical School 0 0.0 11 3.6 11 3.0

Some College 6 11.1 32 10.4 38 10.5

Technical Degree/Certification 4 7.4 31 10.0 35 9.6

College Degree 18 33.3 111 35.9 129 35.5

Some Graduate School 1 1.9 15 4.9 16 4.4

Graduate School Degree (Masters Degree) 6 11.1 42 13.6 48 13.2

Professional Degree (Ph.D., M.D., J.D., E.D.D., D.O.D., etc.) 12 22.2 25 8.1 37 10.2

No Response 3 5.6 6 1.9 9 2.5

Total 54 100.0 309 100.0 363 100.0


What is the total combined annual income, before taxes, of all household members, including yourself?
Percentage of hunter response for level of income. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of hunter response for level of income. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Deer Hunter Income

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Under $30,000 1 0.7 17 4.2 18 3.3

$30,000- $49,999 4 2.8 29 7.2 33 6.1

$50,000- $99,999 25 17.5 111 27.8 136 25.0

$100,000- $149,999 42 29.4 102 25.5 144 26.5

$150,000- $199,999 17 11.9 50 12.5 67 12.3

$200,000- $249,999 13 9.1 24 6.0 37 6.8

$250,000 or more 22 15.4 19 4.8 41 7.6

No Response 19 13.3 48 12.0 67 12.3

Total 143 100.0 400 100.0 543 100.0

Waterfowl Hunter Income

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Under $30,000 1 33.3 9 2.0 10 2.2

$30,000- $49,999 0 0.0 32 7.0 32 7.0

$50,000- $99,999 0 0.0 124 27.3 124 27.1

$100,000- $149,999 0 0.0 100 22.0 100 21.8

$150,000- $199,999 0 0.0 73 16.0 73 15.9

$200,000- $249,999 1 33.3 28 6.2 29 6.3

$250,000 or more 0 0.0 42 9.2 42 9.2

No Response 1 33.3 47 10.3 48 10.5

Total 3 100.0 455 100.0 458 100.0

Upland Game Hunter Income

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Under $30,000 0 0.0 5 2.9 5 2.1

$30,000- $49,999 3 4.3 11 6.4 14 5.8

$50,000- $99,999 11 15.9 57 32.9 68 28.1

$100,000- $149,999 17 24.6 41 23.7 58 24.0

$150,000- $199,999 8 11.6 18 10.4 26 10.7

$200,000- $249,999 9 13.0 12 6.9 21 8.7

$250,000 or more 12 17.4 9 5.2 21 8.7

No Response 9 13.0 20 11.6 29 12.0

Total 69 100.0 173 100.0 242 100.0

Spring Turkey Hunter Income

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Under $30,000 8 2.5 10 2.9 18 2.7

$30,000- $49,999 16 5.1 25 7.2 41 6.2

$50,000- $99,999 51 16.2 88 25.5 139 21.1

$100,000- $149,999 86 27.3 89 25.8 175 26.5

$150,000- $199,999 51 16.2 47 13.6 98 14.8

$200,000- $249,999 20 6.3 25 7.2 45 6.8

$250,000 or more 46 14.6 22 6.4 68 10.3

No Response 37 11.7 39 11.3 76 11.5

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Fall Turkey Hunter Income

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Under $30,000 0 0.0 8 2.6 8 2.2

$30,000- $49,999 2 3.7 27 8.7 29 8.0

$50,000- $99,999 8 14.8 89 28.8 97 26.7

$100,000- $149,999 14 25.9 62 20.1 76 20.9

$150,000- $199,999 7 13.0 44 14.2 51 14.0

$200,000- $249,999 4 7.4 18 5.8 22 6.1

$250,000 or more 13 24.1 27 8.7 40 11.0

No Response 6 11.1 34 11.0 40 11.0

Total 54 100.0 309 100.0 363 100.0

Willingness for Future Participation

Would you be willing to participate in this survey again next season?
Percentage of hunter response for willingness to participate in 2023 survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Percentage of hunter response for willingness to participate in 2023 survey. Values above bars represent number of individual responses.

Deer Hunter Willingness to Participate in 2024 Survey

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Yes 124 86.7 342 85.5 466 85.8

No 19 13.3 51 12.8 70 12.9

No Response 0 0.0 7 1.8 7 1.3

Total 143 100.0 400 100.0 543 100.0

Waterfowl Hunter Willingness to Participate in 2024 Survey

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Yes 2 66.7 383 84.2 385 84.1

No 1 33.3 69 15.2 70 15.3

No Response 0 0.0 3 0.7 3 0.7

Total 3 100.0 455 100.0 458 100.0

Upland Game Hunter Willingness to Participate in 2024 Survey

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Yes 62 89.9 143 82.7 205 84.7

No 6 8.7 30 17.3 36 14.9

No Response 1 1.4 0 0.0 1 0.4

Total 69 100.0 173 100.0 242 100.0

Spring Turkey Hunter Willingness to Participate in 2024 Survey

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Yes 278 88.3 310 89.9 588 89.1

No 36 11.4 32 9.3 68 10.3

No Response 1 0.3 3 0.9 4 0.6

Total 315 100.0 345 100.0 660 100.0

Fall Turkey Hunter Willingness to Participate in 2024 Survey

Response Non-residents (N) Non-residents (%) Residents (N) Residents (%) Both Residencies (N) Both Residencies (%)
Yes 45 83.3 276 89.3 321 88.4

No 8 14.8 32 10.4 40 11.0

No Response 1 1.9 1 0.3 2 0.6

Total 54 100.0 309 100.0 363 100.0


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